Margaritas Must Contain Tequila!

I am drinking a ON THE ROCKS brand Margarita. And it is quite good. But it makes me think of a very good point, to share with all of you.

Margaritas must have Tequila in them, to be true margaritas!

I bring this up, because you realize there are some brands that are malt liquor beverages. And they try to pass themselves off as Margaritas. Please don’t fall for it.

I mean, the drinks that do have Tequila in them, are sometimes subpar themselves. Some use citric acid, instead of lime juice. Some use artificial orange flavor, instead of Cointreau or triple sec. Okay, I suppose. Whatever. But it must contain Tequila. It’s just that simple.

I am sure you know me well enough by now not to get on my high moral horse. But this point, I can’t compromise on at all.

Anybody agree with me? Anybody disagree with me? Thank you :slight_smile: .

I never fall for malt liquor margarita drinks…until I have too many of them.

Premium malt liquor drinks are still garbage malt liwuor drinks. But drink what you like with the budget you have, i say.

The store I work at sells Chi-Chi’s brand “margaritas”, 12.5% ABV, at 98 cents per 6-ounce bottle. Ostensibly, they’re wine-based. From what I understand of the malt beverage industry, they start with a very mild-flavored wine, process the hell out of it until it’s pretty much just water, then spike it with grain spirit to get it to back the desired ABV and add whatever other ingredients make up the final product, because that way it’s legally still a wine drink and our state’s exorbitant liquor tax doesn’t apply to them.

I won’t pretend that they’re artisinal cocktails, but they’re a nice way to end a long day at work nonetheless.

It’s all basically flavored Zima.

The most disgusting mixed drink I ever had was at a Greek restaurant. They had a special on “Greek margaritas”, which were made with ouzo instead of tequila. I decided to try one. It tasted like I was drinking NyQuil on ice. So yeah, I agree with the OP. My margarita damn well better have tequila in it.

WTH?! Margaritas are drinks you make using quality ingredients.

That’s a Tequila Mockingbird.

A proper margarita should definitely be made with tequila.

The frozen juice section of your supermarket may just possibly have Bacardi branded frozen margarita mix. The instructions say to add RUM to it. That’s just wrong.

While you’re over there, though, check for frozen limeade. A can of the stuff in the blender plus 2 quarts of ice cubes, 12 oz Jose Cuervo, and about 1/4 cup of cointreau will generate a pretty nice quickie frozen margarita.

That shouldn’t be true at all. It may well be true but it would imply that the people at Chi-Chi’s are idiots. The tax on beer is much lower than wine typically about half based on the state.

Malt liquor is just beer that is fermented to minimize flavor and in most cases maximize beer so a light toast on the malt and basically no hops. You also don’t need to spike it with NGS since you can ferment it up to 15% without a lot of effort. The Chi Chi’s I found on line was only 10% abv so easily in the range with dilution.

While it is legal to spike wine with spirits to make fortified wine it has to be labeled as a fortified wine. For the ABV we’re talking about its much easier and cheaper to sugar your wine which doesn’t require a special label note and easily get to 20% abv.

In the end about the only thing worst from a tax perspective then what you’ve proposed would be using the actual tequila from the op where the taxes are double wine and the spirit must be imported from Mexico where there is a huge shortage in wholesale tequila.

That’s a daiquiri! Gah!

I’ve been to a few restaurants that don’t have full liquor licenses (they can serve beer and wine only), so they sell these abominations as cocktails. I feel like there needs to be some kind of consumer protection law mandating full disclosure on the menu.


You could use real limes, real tequila and less Cointreau and have a real Margarita. Frozen “Margaritas” are An Abomination Unto Nuggan.

In WA, beer and wine are taxed at the same rate, but liquor is taxed at 20.5% plus $3.77 per liter.

That doesn’t sound appealing, but The Wife and I asked for an ‘Ouzo Sunrise’ at a Greek restaurant; just like a tequila sunrise, only with ouzo instead of tequila. Another restaurant where we ordered that now has them on their menu as ‘Santorini Sunsets’. They’ve very good.

This may be the first time I’ve said this in all my years here, but… cite? I looked at a number of tequila mockingbird recipes and they all had tequila, none had ouzo. Or am I being whooshed?

Yes, you’re being whooshed. That’s one of the most overly used funny cocktail names. Anything odd with tequila gets called that at some point.

But I have had tequila and ouzo together, with Red Bull IIRC. It was awful.

I was going to say this, that a “real” Margarita contains fresh-squeezed lime juice, good quality tequila and Cointreau. Maybe a dash of simple syrup to take the edge off the sourness of the lime juice, but not too much— I HATE an overly sweet Margarita.

I will say, on a very hot summer day I may occasionally make frozen Margaritas in the blender using the above ingredients and a handful of reverse osmosis-purified ice cubes. They hit the spot when it’s hot. Is that an abomination or does that get a pass due to the quality of ingredients? I think Jimmy Buffet would approve.

That recipe would get a pass. The key factor was “good quality tequila.” Cuervo isn’t.

Yeah, Cuervo is garbage. Patron is too good for mixing. I’m partial to El Mayor blanco for my Margaritas.

My current margarita tequila is Casadores Blanco. Mainly because I am out of El Jimador. Both are good enough for cocktails without being wasteful like using Patron would be. I’ll have to look for El Mayor.