I think you could say the same thing about today’s teenagers.
<slight derail>
The people next door are now down to their youngest son, his two older brothers having moved out just after their eighteenth birthdays. The little shit is all of sixteen, but he thinks he knows it all. It’s all well and good that he’s likely the spoiled indulged family baby, but he acts like everyone else should treat him this way too. Of course, the fact that both parents are in denial about their little darling doesn’t help matters much either.
That’s fine…until they inflict the shortcomings of their bad parenting on the rest of the neighbourhood and expect that we won’t mind their doing it, too. They take off for a weekend up to their cottage, leave the little darling behind, and the rest of us have to deal with his wild parties.
Now, shit, don’t get me wrong. I was sixteen once too, and yes, I did have some wild parties, but there was a difference – first of all that we were smart about it, not wanting to get caught, so we kept the noise down to a dull roar and made sure no one else was inconvenienced over it. These kids are total idiots, wandering around the back yard and yelling/screaming at each other at 2 AM – like, how stupid can you get. The other thing is that if I called him on it, he would get outright confrontational and mouthy – now, that’s something we would NEVER have done, but then again, we were afraid that if our parents found out, we would get punished, something that apparently doesn’t happen these days.
Fun and games two weeks ago, with mommy and daddy taking off for a whole week. For the first two nights, there were tons of people (38 the first night, 35 the second) dropping in and then taking off two or three minutes later, all between 5:15 PM and 1 AM. Like WTF?
And then I realized what was going on – the little shit was selling drugs out his back door. That had to be it. Why else would people drop in for three minutes and gone unless they were only picking something up?
So I got the local cops involved. They agreed that the behaviour was suspicious, and luckily, they had the manpower to spare so it could be checked out.
Since then, several things have happened:
- Mommy and daddy came home early from their holiday;
- Junior is (still) nowhere to be seen;
- the neighbourhood was much quieter for the rest of the week with none of that in/out traffic
For all intensive purposes, problem solved.