Marilyn, Marilyn, Marilyn...

…vos Savant, that is. In today’s Parade magazine (which appears to have about the most useless web site for a media outlet I’ve ever seen–I’m not even going to bother linking to it, but it’s “”; and do Ms. vos Savant’s columns appear anywhere on the web? Even old ones? Is she some kind of Luddite or something?) she:

1.) Blithely repeats the old saw about the arrangement of the legs of horses in commemorative statues of soldiers having something to do with how the soldier died, citing “a historian at Arlington National Cemetary” (which probably means a tour guide). She does weasel a bit by saying “some sculptors may be unaware of the tradition or choose to ignore it”. Both Cecil and Snopes have debunked this one.

2.) Gives an answer to the question “Do animals ever commit suicide?” which is far inferior to that given by Cecil’s acolyte SDSTAFF Doug. Granted, she at least has enough sense not to fall for the old bit about the lemmings–in fact, that’s about all she talks about, the bit about the lemmings being a myth–and granted, it’s a somewhat debatable topic–no non-human animal ever left a note or gave a soliloquy first–but still, she doesn’t even discuss whale beachings.

3.) Doesn’t even say “Hi!” to OpalCat, which if you ask me is just plain rude.