I’m hooked on her song “I am not a robot” after hearing it tonight on a very late ride home.
I downloaded it and have been listening to it as background music via ear buds for about a half hour.
Damn, what a great sound! I love how the layers build and build, all the while it still has a pop tone to it.
I’m actually looking forward to work tomorrow, even though I kinda just left, so that I can listen to that song.
Anyone else like her? How’s the album compared to that single?
The album is great, not outstanding but impressive for a debut. I have high hopes for her second record.
Highlights on the album include ‘Hollywood’, ‘Oh No!’ and ‘Mowgli’s Road’, which are all almighty pop songs with that massive sound that you liked about ‘I Am Not A Robot’. Not every song is quite as good as those four and it’s not an album I listen to in full very often, but it is still very good.
She does good music videos too and is of course stunningly beautiful, she has a lot of potential.
I’m not sure where you live but I know here in Australia her album was going for cheap as soon as it was released, presumably to drum up sales for an unknown artist - so you might be able to get a good deal on the CD.