In fact, it’s arguably far better than it should be. As I suspect is the case with numerous LE and other agencies, the secret is that regular and overtime pay aren’t the whole income picture (never mind quite nice fringe benefits). What no one (apparently) talks about – and I can see why – is retention pay incentive, mention of it is curiously absent in generally published info. (It can be had by reviewing a report identifying state government workers who make more than $100k in a given year.)
The incentive pay can range up to 115% of regular pay for members of the MSP, noting top leadership doesn’t receive it (power being its own reward/incentive). Not in the same whacky universe as the university people where someone’s base comp can be $400k and the incentive “other” for some can be an additional 400 percent – i.e., we all know the weird priority that is compensation of sport coaches, ‘cause a popular program means mo’ dough thru tuition and other streams (licensing), which in turn may be distributed to professors, management, vendors, etc. (rinse and repeat the racket/arms race that whomever began a couple of decades ago).
Anyway … because there is a corresponding decrease to retention-included “other” pay to account for overtime worked, if any – few jobs in a place or of a nature demanding it – OT seems a significant factor only for those who choose to work it to increase the pension should they want-need to retire any given moment after a certain point. (Inevitably, a few will pick up OT because they prefer to spend as much time away from home as possible.) This is so because pension is based on three highest years of income. The sum of those years is multiplied by give/take 1.75%; divide the result by 12 and you (roughly) have the monthly pension. Why is it three high years v. average of career earnings? And why is this generous pension benefit not ample “incentive”?[1]
Sample Analysis
From Bedroom Community/Semi-Rural County (Pop. 90,000)
(<20 Min Outside Beltway)
What other factors than dislike/unpopularity, lack of brown-nosing/political machinations or best buds/family with influence, etc. explains that a DSgt with 22 years in service makes the same (or less) as a early/mid-30s kid with 12 years? Salary compression is part of it, but this strikes me as odd.
In 2012, junior made $96k; the DSgt made $93k. Each made approximately $2k in overtime that year. Incentive to kid was just under $33k; to the senior officer, $7k (adjusted to offset OT). In 2014, the kid (then 14 years in service) made $102k ($200 in overtime and $31k in retention-included “other”); the senior officer now at 24 years in service made $97,409 (only $3,300 in retention-included “other” for obvious reason being that he’s in his 25th year) (“regular” salary $94k due to COLA, compared to $91k in 2013).
In 2013, the 22-year guy’s regular salary was $89k; the kid’s $63,900. The 22-year guy’s retention-included “other” money in 2013 was roughly $9k; the kid’s was just over $29k. Veteran DSGt (investigating supervisor to kid) grossed $101k overall (with $500 in overtime); kid made $95k (zero overtime)(minimal shift differential of $1.50/hour apparently included in “regular” pay).
Neither guy has anything worthy of mention in terms of performance (and yet I’ll make partial mention). The kid stopped being what may qualify as a performer after his 6th year of service, and even so cases were of the same (usually petty) variety that crossed his path v. county sheriffs. Things such as 2nd degree assault, disorderly, someone caught with marijuana or other unlawful drug, and/or paraphernalia; or the Walmart or other party complained about petty theft or robbery.[2] Kid’s been complainant or investigating officer (whether happening on or being called about) a half dozen low-level criminal cases so far this decade, and nothing since **2012 **… not even ubiquitous speeding citations or DUI/DWI cases. If a not-at-all-busy barrack, why not be deployed to one that has stuff to do like, oh, Bal’mer (Baltimore)? Why not a reduction in force?
And, I’m curious, does the supervisor know he’s making the same or less? Somehow, I doubt it. Were he aware, I’d like to believe this would serve as (flawed basis) inspiration – failing the simple notion of good protocol for its own sake if not regs-laws – to refuse to rubber-stamp poor investigation protocol and report writing. Were he aware, he might ride the kid to do better, with "you call this an ‘investigation’ report?! Have you heard of the best practice of putting a victim or witness’s statements in quotes … or at least preface with ‘ said that …’ to avoid taking ownership of facts on which you base a decision to seek charges from the [district court commissioner] when it may well not be accurate statement of fact or perception? If you can’t find your sample reports from the academy [and later publications], employ the internet for something other than [Y and/or Z], ‘kay?”
*I didn’t realize this would be even tangentially timely or topical until the other night, btw (Bal’mer).
[1] Far too generous if income figures for the formula does not exclude this “other” pay. I don’t believe too many cops deserve $5-6k/month pensions (or more, in future) when many move on to different govt agency jobs (DOT appears somewhat popular) or related careers at 45-50, just like career military.
[2] Since Maryland law recently changed on topic of marijuana possession, it seems some of the busy work has suddenly shifted to the category of citing people for selling cigarettes to minors (something largely ignored previously, but it comes with a decent fine).