Mass shooting at Highland Park, IL Fourth of July parade {2022-07-04}

I’m seeing that one of those killed was a Mexican national. Roberto Velasco, Mexico’s director for North American affairs.

Seems like it may be this guy, although his Wikipedia page hasn’t been updated.

I believe it traces back to the Olympic Park bombing. People still leap to conclusions, so I’m not sure how much it helps to protect the innocent, but it’s an attempt.

I haven’t seen anything that states how they identified this man. Does anyone know?

Recently reported:

Highland Park Police Chief Lou Jogmen said a police officer pulled over 22-year-old Robert E. Crimo III about five miles north of the shooting scene, several hours after police released the man’s photo and an image of his silver Honda Fit, and warned the public that he was likely armed and dangerous.


Ah, the quote in the article says:

One of those killed was a Mexican national, Roberto Velasco, Mexico’s director for North American affairs, said on Twitter Monday.

ISTM that means Mr. Velasco was the Mexican official who announced that one of their citizens was a fatal casualty. Og, that sentence was assembled badly.

Whoopsie-doodle. You’re right!

And yeah, that sentence was terribly written. I think i read it three times and still never caught that he was the guy that announced it on Twitter.

I assume you’re asking how they knew who to look for, not how they identified him when they apprehended him as @DavidNRockies responded.

They were talking earlier about tracing the gun that was found. I haven’t seen it confirmed that this is how they identified him, but it’s one possibility. He lived locally, so probably bought the gun in Illinois, where there are (relatively) strict gun laws - does this means a legally owned gun can be traced back to its owner? Most of these guys don’t have any plan to escape, so he may not have cared about being identified.

The comments still seem to be there, or there are new comments that haven’t been erased. I was driving down from Wisconsin reading some of the comments. Looks like a couple of friends of mine are Facebook friends with the father, but I assume it’s all because they live on the North Shore and it’s easy to run into people. I also see that the shooter’s uncle’s page is being slammed with comments, too.

I feel terrible for everyone involved. I see one of the father’s “liked” pages is one for a group helping depressed adolescents.

It seems they caught the guy:

Agreed that he’s a loser, though I wouldn’t base it on looks. However, as it says in the Heavy article PastTense linked to, one of his rap songs had “millions of plays across online streaming platforms,” and there is/was a fan site.

Of course, there’s a manifesto. From the Heavy site:

He also had a manifesto. One man who saw it wrote that “It is 28 pages long and is composed entirely of an undeciphered sequence of numbers. There is a coinciding video to Arcturus on YouTube, which is composed of footage from the music videos to On My Mind,, and Toy Soldier. The numbers 23, 47, and 115 seem to be of significance in decoding Arcturus, however, Arcturus remains an unsolved mystery.”

Thanks, @PastTense, that’s a great link.

There appear to have been lots of clues pointing directly to him, and just based on looking at him, even if he didn’t do this, he’s probably done a lot of other bad things.

Oh, and Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey told people to move on and celebrate the 4th, even though the shooting did happen in a wealthy, mostly white suburb. I thought about putting this link in the Pit, but decided this is appropriate too.

Strangely, the comments that I saw before on the front page are gone, but I see comments on the side if I click on a photo. This may be some weird thing because I’m not on Facebook so I’m not logged in.

I looked at just one comment: “Black culture is to blame for this. Rap glorifies violence.” Then I gave up.

One of the talking heads on the news was discussing social media postings by this guy. Apparently there was some type of interest in Lee Harvey Oswald and the fact he left his rifle behind after shooting JFK might have had some appeal to this guy. Also, some talk about his music and writing having a morbid fascination with death. It could all be blather of course or maybe some basis in fact.

Bobby Crimo’s uncle, who lives in the same house as Robert Crimo, Sr., said he never saw anything suspicious in his nephew’s behavior, but it seems obvious to me he wasn’t looking too closely, as he says he didn’t talk to him much.

Apparently Bobby, Jr. lived in an apartment behind his father’s house and hasn’t held a job since before the pandemic. I don’t know how much money he would have earned as a rapper. Do millions of listens translate into much money?

He also says Bobby, Jr. had no friends who visited and was a quiet, withdrawn guy who kept to himself.

Bailey is a moronic Trumper. Highland Park is indeed a wealthy, mostly white suburb, 91.2% white in fact and a median household income of $100k+.

It is also a Democratic stronghold like much of the Chicago suburban north shore. They have had an assault weapon ban on the books since 2013.

It is unlikely Bailey would have done very well there at any rate but this certainly won’t help him.

I guess we’ve totally run out of thoughts and prayers. Probably a supply chain issue.

The damn things were always defective. No great loss.

How can you tell when you haven’t even examined the bumps on his skull?

Reddit has dug up this. Don’t know if this is exactly the symbol or not, but it’s from a Finnish nationalist group called Suomen Sisu:

It may just be coincidence, but that symbol does have a neo-Nazi look to it, doesn’t it?

Let’s not do that. Amateur profiling is rarely productive and I’m sure law enforcement have plenty of other bits of evidence. They better, because no one should get convicted in court based just on how someone looks.