Truly, you folks make my head asplode! (GOOD thing, not bad!)
(Only from the joy of learning, I assure you…and the overwhelming desire to use the word “asplode”.)
To address the posts since my last contribution:
My basis for that assumption is that Existence demonstrates Multiplicity rather than Uniformity: that is, there are lots of different things rather than one undifferentiated thing. For that to happen (which it clearly has–witness US), then Diversity must be a ubiquitous component of observed Existence. The most fundamental manifestation of Diversity (or Plurality, if you prefer) is Dichotomy, since the minimum parts that a Single thing can be divided into is Two. Therefore, to explain Existence as we observe it, Dichotomy must be included.
I find this rather intriguing for a couple of reasons:
First of all, my assumption (based on my misremembering of set theory) doesn’t appear to be correct at all (which means I must go back and revise my thinking).
Second, even if it was (of which I am no longer convinced), it would match the conclusion reached by Bart Kosko in his book Fuzzy Logic (not necessarily agreeing with it, but it was intriguing to read), wherein he mathematically disproved the existence of God, as well. I find that rather interesting, as well as my revised theory…which I won’t bother people with unless they ask.
I still DO think that Nothingness MUST contain within itself the necessary components to bootstrap itself into Somethingness, or else none of us would be here.
I’m just not finalized on how that happened…but I’m getting close.
[sub]Now watch me get “disappeared” by the makers of Reynold’s Wrap…by coincidence.[/sub]
Now THAT made me laugh.
Sorry about getting rid of God, folks. D’ya think Pat Robertson will shut up now?
I’m still convinced that the Empty Set must be non-Empty in order to explain why there is Something rather than Nothing…but the plurality of “two subsets” might not be the Answer anymore. Perhaps it’s the Set-and-its-only-Subset that I’m digging about.
Don’t know, but I’m betting I’m close to something…
[sub]…if nothing else, more nothing…[/sub]