Matt Gaetz being investigated for sex with 17 year old girl (DOJ declines to charge 2023-02-15)

Or live action Butthead:



Matt Gaetz voting record on this is :open_mouth:

Combined with the statements from colleagues it paints him as just the giant sleazeball you already know him to be.

I mean:

The nonconsensual porn legislation finally passed in 2015, clearing the state House on a 114-2 vote. The only two no votes were Gaetz and former Republican state Rep. John Tobia, who was one of Gaetz’s roommates in Tallahassee and is now a Brevard County commissioner.

Gaetz managed to make it so only posting it online would be a violation, while sending to all your buddies is fine. Great job Florida!

Every Congressman has a “military advisor,” just like they have an “education advisor” and a “health advisor” — i.e. a staff member assigned to track legislative activity around a certain subject and advise the Congressman. Usually this person will also have several other issue areas he or she is responsible for, although if the Congressman is on a relevant committee the staffer may be more specialized. First time I’ve heard such a staffer referred to as a “Director of Military Affairs” though.

Give them enough titles and you can win any war!

“Well, I just start with the outside fork and work my way in.” - Matt Gaetz.

Gonna say that was one of the most useful lines in movie history. I bet millions heard Kathy Bates say that and a light bulb went off in their heads.

When he said he never had sex with a 17 year old female while he was over 17, hes implying when he was 17, a 17 year old girl had sex with him. I find that hard to believe any woman would want to have sex with him.

It is also an interesting contrast in terms of how the different parties are dealing with this. Coumo has been thoroughly rejected by the Democratic establishment and asked to resign, While Republicans have either offered a full throated defense of Gaetz, or at best attempted to avoid the subject entirely.

I haven’t seen one full throated defense of Gaetz, though perhaps I missed it. MTG maybe? I’ve mostly seen no-commenting and embarrassed shuffling.

The fact there’s no full-throated condemnation says much.

Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna, who previously has called Gaetz his friend, is rapidly backing away from that “friendship”.

Gym Jordan, who knows a thing or two about sexual cover-ups, is supporting Gaetz:

Man, this is a terrible font. Considering the subject matter, I initially saw that fourth word there as having 3 "t"s, not an “l”.

That works, too! ( * ) ( * )

That’s who I was thinking of.

That’s another guy that the Democrats would have been all over to resign – he was in charge while all kinds of sexual assault was happening under his watch as a wrestling coach.

They say everyone has their price …

I’m gobsmacked that there’s a woman who wants to marry the putz.

The Rachel Maddow show is saying that the NY Times is now reporting that Gaetz asked Trump for a blanket pardon for himself and for group of unnamed others.

He’s saying she was on top?