Mattress Warehouse Strikes Again!

Honest to Pete! These people have a very warped sense of … humor. Very. warped. First, the ads feature a woman getting hit by a car in her anxious rush to get to the MW store to get a new mattress. Now, they show a guy skydiving from a plane who loses his parachute, then crashes down through the roof of the Mattress Warehouse store, onto a mattress, where he’s shown calling his wife to tell her that he’s okay and MW is having a big sale.

I cannot be the only person who finds these ads not just ghoulish but in really really poor taste, can I? Please tell me I’m not alone in being repulsed by their ads! I don’t understand advertisers thinking that this is going to sell the product …it’s much worse than the man sucking at the wolf’s teat that Quisnos used, imho. :smiley:

I haven’t seen the ads, but I’m sure that someone will find them funny. But the important thing is that you remembered both the ad and the advertiser. So much advertising is so forgettable (and we see so much of it) that it’s progress if you remember them at all.