Max Carnage you F***!

Fuck you and your shitty coding. You even previewed, to show us what a dipshit you are.

[sub]I think after all the pit threads this week, my flaming button is broke or somethin…[/sub]

Darn all those dopers with silly names like iampunha ,carrot,Super Gnat, and Bip… wait no ummmm, just carry on will you.

If anyone mentions my coding I’ll sulk …

I throw broccoli at your pitiful coding, Bippy.

:)… ;)… :dubious:… :(… :mad:…

See, I proved my own point.

You said “statics” and I saw “statistics,” because I’m a generally slow dumbass. Then, I extrapolated “accountant” from “statistics,” compunding my error, because while I know that statistical analysis is an incredibly valuable tool in engineering, I tend to associate statistics with accountants, because they can’t seem to shut up about the damned things.

I believe that this case thoroughly discredits SilkyThreat’s assertion that I am “intelligent.” I’m quite obviously a dumbass.

I hereby apologize to Super Gnat for even suggesting that she might be as low on the food chain as an accountant, who, as we all know, is the lowest form of life on Earth.

Again, I’m a dumbass. But, I’m actually quite good at statics.

Dang. I think I just Pitted myself.

I run screaming naked onto the SDMB stage except for a pair of blaze orange shorts, glistening with baby oil rubbed into my succulent flesh. I roll around on the floor screaming "I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Always reliable and on time like a throbbing meat clock Q.E.D. throws spoiled fruit and cabbages at my head. Iampunha taunts me by throwing his huge, luxuriant mane this way and that shouting, “Remember that astro? It’s hair!” Stunned by the pure, incandescent love I break into a flood of a salty, sweet tears and rise to my feet singing sea shanties and dancing a merry jig. The joy cascades through me as I dance, dance, dance for life itself. Flashing, rainbow hued images of every member of the SDMB falling into stygian pit the suffuses my consciousness as the annoying little man in the orange question blazer screams “Government Money! Yours for the taking! Get paid to masturbate!” If everyone is pitted then no one is pitted. Pitted dates, sweet and nourishing from date palm. Palmolive, you’re soaking in it! Marge is the anti-Christ!

Whoa, astro dude…chill off the LSD for bit.

[sub]OK, that was the funniest thing I’ve read on the SDMB in a looooong time. Shut up.[/sub]

After reading this thread, there’s only one thing I can say: you’re all too bizarre, really.

and if anyone DARES make a comment on my username and the word “flaming,” I swear I shall come back to haunt you…


Goddam Astro being funnier than I could be in a million years!

I hiss and arch my back and claw at you! All of you! You’ve gotten my inner alley cat going!

I post in annoying formats at you!

you know, I haven’t seen anything from broccoli! in a long time. . .did he finally figure out how to feed, dress, and maybe even open a door for himself? IS HE RUNNING LOOSE IN THE WORLD?!?!

btw, this is the best thread I’ve read in a long time.

and Ex, you should go take a breather or something because we need to have enough insulting for everybody, so you shouldn’t hog it all for yourself. Some of us lowlier, unstatistical people are getting offended. :slight_smile:

Bite me, punk.

I may be an attention whore, but I’m a drop dead sexy attention whore.

Get over to the lurker thread in MPSIMS if you’re feeling left out, and leave the random flaming in here to the loudmouthed idiots like me.

Haunt this, you flaming attention whore! Or is that a hamster flambe? Whatever it is, it burns me up.

Well, go do your burning somewhere else, Q.E.D. This hamsterette has had quite enough of it, and therefore condemns you to live a very lonely life in hell. Yes, there are a lot of people in hell, but I’m sure arrangements can be made wherein you have to live in solitary there forevermore.

Now, that’s a flame! :smiley:

Who’s that long-winded smartassed broad, again?

Oh, yeah, now I remember.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Damn, I was hoping I would get it twice by posting twice. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to aspire for greater dreams.

*Bippy, wearing Boddice short dress and black fish-net stockings *
“Hello Darlin, want a good time?”
Smiling a smile missing three teeth and 20 years of orthodonty.
“eeer, I avn’t got the pox, y’know, and I wash meeself every year on mi burthday”
this poor creature, this attention seeking whore, shuffles towards a group of likely prospects
“Come here and feel mi pit, I’ll do SDMB if ya pays double”
the prospects, sickened by the grotesque shambling towards them, quickly exit the schene
The tired and ugly old tart sits down and begins to sing
“Midnight - not a post from the Straight Dope,”
“Has the moon lost her memory,”
“She is smiling alone.” …