Maybe I need a new job...

It’s taken me twenty minutes too calm down enuogh to write this. The below happened 25-30 minutes ago, between co-workers.

Co-Worker 1: Hey have you finished that project yet?

Co-worker 2: No but I didn’t think it was that important, you’re always giving me stuff that doesn’t go anywhere.

Co-worker 1: Well maybe if you weren’t so negative, they would go somewhere.

Co-worker 2: Maybe you should do it yourself

Co-worker 1: Maybe you should get another job

Co-worker 2 slugs co-worker 1, co-worker 1 shoves 2, fight ensues, everyone tries to break it up. Fights over.

Here’s the unbelievable part, both of these are company officers

No way! Do you work at the shipyard then?


You’d think so huh, or maybe WWF? But no, I actually work in the aerospace industry.

You’d think so huh, or maybe WWF? But no, I actually work in the aerospace industry.

Seems like a cool place to work. No more of that rank and seniority baloney–at your workplace the biggest and toughest guy wins! :wink:

OOOHHH. Sounds like never a dull moment at your work. Is your resume updated? Have you contacted headhunters? This company won’t last very long with that kind of attitude. Ya don’t need that. Think about it, when you get harrassed, what recourse will you have if the big boys are going at each other. Have fun job hunting.