Maybe Paypal's shoes are too tight (or Cats:1 Kids:0)

It appears Paypal has come under wrath from various internet groups (including the expert trolls of 4Chan) after dicking with Regretsy’s Christmas/Holiday fundraiser.

Perhaps the best bit?

More info here.

Naturally, the internet is going crazy on the Paypal Facebook page. While Paypal is deleting comments left and right, the are still a ton added every minute, expressing displeasure over the situation.

As I see it, the only way Paypal can right this wrong is to have a higher up say the CSR was totally wrong, that they went rogue, and that Paypal OF COURSE supports helping poor families. In fact! Paypal itself is going to donate a bunch of money to this particular cause, so that way even more kids can be helped. Oh, and that Paypal will unfreeze all the money involved here.

Eep, don’t mess with the internet, folks.

I will take this opportunity to make my one customary bump.
Le bump.

I you had waited 12 hours, you could’ve made a bump in the night. :smiley:

Yeah, I saw this on Regretsy’s site. What. The. Hell.
There are paypal “donate” buttons on all KINDS of things, most of which are a lot less justifiable than, say, sending Christmas gifts to kids in need. I really am not getting the justification at all.

/Edit: Ha! Never mind! The joys of the internet!

PayPal are assholes?!? Say it ain’t so!

I think it’s great that the funds are released and that they made a donation, but I can’t help but notice there’s no mention that the CSR acted improperly/outside of customer guidelines/ etc. Oh well.

That’s a highly lame non-apology. Hopefully the donation was generous and the kids will still be able to get everything for Christmas.

I’m part of April’s Army, and the reaction on Paypal’s FB page was off the charts. I’ve never seen a page blow up so fast. A bunch of us also emailed everybody we could find, and eventually the emails started getting returned because inboxes were full.

The non-apology apology is just so typical. I do hope that their donation covers the massive amounts of fees that April had to pay after Paypal took a fee for the donations, then a fee for her returning the donations, then a fee for her listing the toys as merchandise, then a fee for people buying the toys, then a fee when they made her return the toy purchases.

From the not-really-an-apology:

No, they don’t! I wonder if they will now though?

Anyway, I adore April and Regretsy, and I am so glad this was resolved. Paypal still sucks, but they fixed this, so I will grumble more quietly. Score 1 for the Fat Jealous Losers!!

The only page blowup close to that was the cookbook plagiarizer.

I bet the Venn diagram for Kitteh lovers and online recipe posters is pretty close to a perfect circle :slight_smile:

CF4L! Namaste, bitches!

April says no one from Paypal has contacted her. Those fuckers!!

ETA: I knew some of you guys were Regretsians! Hey, ya’ll!

I wonder if her accounts are still frozen.

This really is becoming exhibit #5902753 of “how not to handle a PR disaster.” Why would you say you were working with someone when you haven’t even contacted them? Why not just say “we are attempting to contact Regretsy in order to fix this issue”?

Because even that doesn’t work- Paypal has her name, address, emails, phone numbers, and bank account numbers. I’m sure they could get in touch post haste if they were really trying.

That’s just sad. Someday, I have hope that businesses, especially those that do all their business online, will realize that the internet makes it easy for other people to discuss what you’re doing and that news within a fan group moves very fast.

Today is not that day, apparently.

what a lame excuse for a statement. I am NOT going to be using Paypal anytime soon when making online purchases. I liked the convenience of not having to enter all my credit card and billing info in the past, but I’ll put up with the headache if it means them missing out on a bit of income.

I can’t believe them honestly.

What is with the “fat, jealous, losers” comments I keep seeing?

It’s an insult lobbed at Regretsians that we’ve embraced and proudly wear like a badge of hate and charity.

A lot of the “artists” that Regretsy mocks end up responding by calling the Regretsy fans fat, or jealous, or losers, or haters, or whatever. So, we proudly call ourselves the fat jealous losers.

CF4L stands for Club Fuckery For Life, which is also an inside joke.