Maybe she should wish for Birth Control for Christmas

Ten kids, sweet Christ! Somebody needs to tell her it’s a vagina, not a clown car!

Three words:

Norplant dart gun.

Bwaaaaaaa! I was on the phone with my mom and happened to glance over at that. I snorted and she said, “you’re reading on the internet instead of listening, aren’t you?”

Geez, lissener it was semi-undertandable for you to have a stick up your ass regarding gay issues but c’mon.

What’s the deal? Have you decided that you’re no longer going to stand idly by while irresponsible morons are attacked for popping out sprogs like a popcorn machine?

Well lissener, having ten kids is a choice. Ask women who’ve had ten kids. They’ll tell you its a choice. If you continue to believe that it’s not a choice despite all this evidence, then you’re just a sprogaphobe.

My definition of sprogophobia, by the way, is anyone who either hates children or doesn’t believe me when I tell them what women who’ve had children think. Just to keep it interesting, it also includes people with a morbid fear of bananas.

She has the right to have as many children as she wants. As long as I don’t have to pay for them (via welfare payments or subsidies).

If she is receiving welfare payments or subsidies, then there is something seriously wrong with our system…

As the youngest of ten myself, you’re not that far off. :slight_smile:

Swish…nothing but net. Very nice. :slight_smile:

Wait a minute, you sprogophobophobe! It’s NOT a choice! She HAD to have sex, and sex often causes pregnancy. If she doesn’t want to have kids, then obviously what’s happened here is that the Holy Federal Government has not exercised their responsibility to provide her with birth control and educate her in its use, or provide a free abortion when her birth control failed.

Sorry to hijack, but my inner middle-school student couldn’t help snickering at this. :smiley:

Jesus Criminy! TEN KIDS???

Holy shit, woman, nail your knees together!

My grandfather is the oldest of eight, but that was back during the 1920s, and my family’s Catholic. (No birth control-ESPECIALLY in those days). My dad’s the oldest of five.

Some people really need a smack upside the head.

WOW! I wonder if all the kids have different fathers. Maybe she’s Catholic, if so the religon should reconsider their thoughts on birth control.

I’m Catholic by the way…

So when’s lissener gonna explain his little shit fit?

Why is everyone pouncing on lissener? He was spot on, It’s plain to see! Life, liberty and property, not life, liberty and kids kids kids! He was wrong in that poor people can’t die out, but we may be able to destroy poor culture. Think of the world without having to wait behind people buying ten kinds of lottery tickets.

Occupational therapy for a three-year-old?


“Groucho then unloaded his 50-megaton zinger.”

“Occupational therapy” doesn’t refer to therapy necessary to get a job - it refers to the process of helping someone with a disability or someone who is recovering from an injury to learn how to do everyday tasks, which for an adult might include those needed for work. With a three-year-old, the boundary between physical therapy and occupational therapy is fairly blurry, but depending on his level of disability this child might be going to OT to learn to feed himself, put on his socks, that sort of thing.

Thanks for the info, flodnak. My bad.

I used to work with a family like this. The mom had 8 kids, some of them barely a year apart, and there were 3 different fathers involved. Her statement about the whole situation was, basically, “It’s my life.” She did eventually get a job to support them all, but was also hoping to have another baby with her new boyfriend.

Not surprisingly, my role in this fiasco was to provide psychotherapy for the 2 oldest kids.

Boy, lissener gets hit from both sides. Half the people got his sarcasm and smacks him around for it. The other half thought he was serious and smacks him around for that. Wow!
I got the sarcasm and thought it was pretty funny.

10 kids! Oh my aching cervix!

He was being sarcastic? Coulda fooled me.

I didn’t see any sarcasm either.

Lissener isn’t stupid, nor is he new to the boards. He knows that when attempting to convey sarcasm, you usually make use of the :wink: smilie or something similiar.

Methinks he was just throwing a hissy for the sake of throwing a hissy. The fact that he has yet to return to defend his little hissy just proves that he realizes how lame it was.

One can hope, anyway.