Maybe she should wish for Birth Control for Christmas

Well, where the fuck are these kids’ dads?

“There are 10 of us now and I stay in a one-bedroom apartment – just picture that. I wish I could do better.”

I grew up in a 3 bedroom single-parent house with my younger(5 years) sister. My mother had little time after dinner to do anything but collapse in front of the television on the couch.
After the 7th kid in tht story, you’d think her mother wouldn’t allow her to go to the grocery alone for fear the she would come back pregnant.

** Rilchiam**

Obviously it’s all her fault. There couldn’t have been dads involved, who dropped their seed and ran, or else, surely, some of this scorn would be reserved for them?

obilgatory: :wink:

Well, the OP wasn’t about the dads exactly but of course they have a lot of the blame. I think it’s disgraceful that not one of them appears to be giving the woman enough support that she can get a decent place. But it does reflect on her, in a way–what sort of man would sleep with a woman with five, six, nine kids, on public assistance, and then skip off and not support them with a dime as soon as she gets morning sickness? I think we all know what kind of man that would be, and sure, a nice woman can get herself into this sitch by bad luck. But TEN TIMES? Why does she keep finding these men and spreading for them?

On a less elevated level, I remember the hijinks finding a place to be alone with a boyfriend when I was living with MY parents, let alone in one room with them and kids! Yet women like this seem to be able to entertain a steady stream of guys with no problems. Sheesh.

Methinks she should hit ten guys up for their back child support, paid in one lump, and move to a mansion in Bermuda.

That’d work, if she knows who the fathers are. I have a childhood friend who has had four children, and only knows the father of two of them (three were surrendered for adoption).

I know a couple who have 6 kids living with them. Three of the kids are theirs together (or so she claims), 2 are his with another woman, and 1 is hers with another man. They have been living together, more or less, for 15 years. The couple refuses to get married because as a single mother, she can rake in the government benefits by the bushel. These breeding machines are a huge burden on the taxpayers.
One good thing about the situation, though. The last time the woman gave birth (at taxpayer expense, of course) the state also paid to have her tubes tied.

I think the problem with suing the fathers for child support is i am willing to bet none of them have any money anyway, unless one of those kids are Mick Jagger’s or something.

Diffidently I suggest that looking for someone else to blame is what got this uber-mama into this state already. If you’re female and fuck around, you can either expect every man you hop into bed with to be responsible before and after the deed, or you, yourself can assume the responsibility. It ain’t rocket science.

I notice she’s only 32. Wanna bet she’ll have another 10 if someone else doesn’t do something to stop her?

No, your family size should be dictated by what you can afford …if you can’t afford to care and provide for your kids, don’t have em – white or black, or whoever else.

Tough concept, huh? :wally


Margaret Sanger must be spinning in her grave. What the hell is wrong with this woman? Is she completely incapable of being responsible?

I don’t feel a bit sorry for her but I feel sorry for those poor children. How terrible to have a mother who is so fucking stupid!

If they have eleven people in a one bedroom apartment they must be violation of all kinds of building codes.

She’s an irresponsible an idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to date let alone have children ever again. If she were my mom I’d hate her guts.

And her welfare benefits are about to run out.

Well, let’s see…

The SSDI for the three year old is covering the rent. Her mom is apparently handling babysitting duties for the younger kids, so I don’t think child-care expenses should be too much of an issue, and with 10 kids, she should still be able to get food stamps, so even a minimum wage job should be able to cover utilities and incidentals.

This woman is an irresponsible slut. I can’t believe that anyone would continue to have unprotected, unmarried sex after the second or third kid. I bet if she had had to actually work for a living all those years instead of being supported at the government teat, she would have thought twice before allowing herself to become pregnant again, and again, and again…

Or maybe she really doesn’t know what causes it…

I work in property management, and I know you can’t legally put 11 people in a one bedroom apartment. We couldn’t legally put 11 people in a four bedroom apartment. The City said she and her 10 children had to have at least six bedrooms, preferably a whole house.

The only way she could have her 10 children in a one bedroom apartment is if she rented it as a single person with one child, and then moved the others in.

I’m surprised lissener hasn’t shown up again to call you all homophobes, racists and to tell you all to suck his dick. Very surprising.

I don’t believe anyone should be told they can only have X number of children. Rather it should be a personal decision, but it should be a rational, logical decision. If you can’t afford to take care of one child in the manner you would like to, then you won’t be able to afford to take care of two, and certainly not ten. These poor kids have my sympathy, but for the woman, I have nothing but disdain. There are times in everyone’s life in which a helping hand is needed, which is completely acceptable. This woman, however, seems to be making a career out of bilking helping hands.

At the risk of offending people, I’m going to offer my proposed solution to the woman’s problem of having ten children she’s unable to support. The children should be placed in foster care. The mother should be required to take parenting and sex education classes, and be enrolled in some program to enable her to obtain a job in which she can become self-sufficient before any of the children are ever returned to her. The fathers, if any are known, should be required to pay child support to the state while the children are in foster care, and to the mother when and if the children are ever returned to her.

I have a hunch quite a few people will disagree with my solution, but having been on both sides of the foster care fence, having been both a foster child and a foster parent, I can say with complete sincerity that while the system is not perfect, it does provide children with safe and healthy environments while allowing the parent time to take care of issues which may interfere with their ability to effectively parent.

Thanks to this thread, I DREAMED about this woman and her brood last night.

It wasn’t a pretty dream.