McCain campaign slams Obama's visit to his grandmother

Tell that to Nixon.

Lucky for McMaverick, he can have it both ways. The clip is out there reaching whatever trogs would find that sort of thing a witty riposte, and ol’ John gets to denounce it, fire the guy (hey, his job’s about done anyway) and come off all righteous. And he can go on with lesser attacks having denounced this one.

Of course, he’ll have to turn off the smug and think of that first. Odds are about even.

It is a 757, BTW, a much smaller plane.

Liberal, you scamp! Youi’re killing me here, with this made up stuff! I’m trying to imagine a campaign so totally brain dead that they attack a guy for visiting his sick Granny, and I collapse into chortles.

Very imaginative, a jelly doughnut of mirth. That would perhaps be my only criticism, albeit a mild one, that this is simply too unbelievable, too perfectly ridiculous. I mean, c’mon, Florida is chock full of Granny ladies, and they would go totally apeshit, and totally Obamoid.

Still, a droll bit of fun.

Being somewhat cynical, it occurred to me that Obama visiting his sick grandmother was a useful way to take a few days off from a stressful campaign and since Obama’s best strategy right now is to avoid saying or doing anything that’ll lose him the election, getting out of sight for a while can only help him. Actually, it would be quite memorable if Obama was at his grandmother’s side when he wins the election, she would smile, shed a tear, and then flatline.

Since the McCain campaign has nothing to lose, they may as well sneer about it and hope for the best.

Wait a minute, this is for real? No shit? Well, heck, why doesn’t he just *heal *her? Too gaudy, I guess.

She’s too weak to reach out and touch the hem of his trousers. And that whole spitting in the dirt and rubbing it into her hip thing is REALLY not camera-friendly. Trust me.

Of course it’d be memorable! The problem is that right after that, it would turn out that the whole election was dreamed by Bob Newhart.

Yeah, but when he turns over and asks Cindy McCain if she’s ever thought of wearing sweaters, it’s just hilarious…

My response would have been, “Probably the same as tax payers feel, paying for Palin’s girls to stay at the Ritz Carlton for five nights when Mom goes to state events.”
BTW, it gets even better-the Freepers think he’s gone to there to destroy his birth certificate and then “silence Grandma”. :rolleyes: Can that place get any loonier?

Yes, and that’s the scary part.

Oh, yeah. Redstate and Free Republic (and, to a lesser extent, Fox News) are going to go up in flames if Obama wins in November (I’m hedging because I don’t want to jinx us).

It’s going to be another 8 years of Whitewater-style trolling for scandal. Except I don’t think that Obama is going to give them the kind of opening (excuse the pun) that Clinton did. And hopefully there won’t be a Republican majority in either chamber to initiate another witch hunt for a long, long time.

Let’s be fair: in a job that requires winning over the public immediately, presentation is key and sharp clothing (even to the extreme) is a legitimate business expense.

This is a new low, however–to compare a shopping spree to a visit to one’s dying grandmother is simply beyond the pâté. Beside which, O Force One presumably belongs to the campaign fair and square, to do with it as they will. And what if the reason he didn’t take a commercial flight was because he was told his grandmother might have only eight hours to live? Wouldn’t Blakeman feel like a real asshole? Well, probably not.

…it Barack Obama’s dying grandmother?

Well, it probably didn’t come up.


Hey, that McCain spokesdouche has Biden hair!

The newsguy did him a favor by laughing at him. He diffused the situation and gave it less weight by doing so.

So folks, what dimwitted, retarded, counterproductive crap will Camp McCain think of next? There’s only 12 more days to go!

Why don’t the Republican’s try and pass a law that says Grandma O must be kept on life support?

I am a grandma, and I approve this message.

I thought it was a joke too, until I watched the clip. I had to watch it twice to make myself believe that it wasn’t an Onion clip. Like shy guy, I was too appalled to laugh, but David Schuster laughing in the asshole’s face was very satisfying. The Democratic guy looked as appalled and shocked as I felt. I can imagine what was going through his mind, and trying to figure out what he could say as a rebuttal that could be said on national TV, but he didn’t have to say anything. The look on his face, Schuster’s laugh, and the words themselves were enough.

It’s my most fervent wish that this clip will get massive airplay in (especially) Florida, Ohio and other swing states. Obama won’t do it though. Where’s George Soros when you need him?

I’m disappointed that David Schuster didn’t channel Joseph N. Welch. Laughing seems to indicate acceptance in my mind - “Oh, those partisan scamps!” No, this deserves nothing less than confronting this scumbag as the most heartless piece of human refuse to crawl out of a cesspit since old Tailgunner Joe himself.

I’m sure that the clip will play really well in Florida.

That’s just nonsense. As is often mentioned by people on Redstate, Free Republic and Fox News, in time of war one’s duty is to support the president. Anything else is unpatriotic, anti-American, treasonous and gives aid and support to America’s enemies.

I’m sure they will practice what they’ve preached.

McCain says Obama will ‘say anything’ to win

(Make sure you read that carefully.)