McCain campaign slams Obama's visit to his grandmother

Oh, that was simply…brilliant!

Perhaps the reason is because Bill Frist has retired? These days, it must be tough to find a Republican toady…er, I mean, doctor…to provide the right type of “expert” medical opinion. :smiley:

LOL I was just about to say, before we pass judgement, we need to know how sick Grandma D really is. Quick, someone get a videotape to Bill Frist!

Good god, that’s priceless. I swear that the McCain campaign is getting stoopider literally by the hour.

I’m waiting for the attack ad from McCain that says Obama is too old and white to be president.

Oh, I think we’re looking beyond that-the Secret Service is going to be running their asses off for the next four years. (Again, let’s not jinx things)

Indeed. brain explodes

I don’t normally cry “photoshopped!” but that photo looks fake. I realize there’s basically no point to faking it, but McCain looks pasted in. Badly.

Hmmm… that’s Obama sign in the bottom left.

I hope that Mr Blakeman’s grandma is still alive and rips him another one when he sees her next.

I’m done. I tried. I gave the Reps the benefit of the doubt. I said to myself, hey, it’s politics, even as it got nastier and nastier. I lost respect for the party (not that I had all that much to begin with–my contempt started back with Ronnie). I lost any admiration I had for McCain’s military service. But still I said, “the country needs two voices, even if one of them seems to specialize in bile.”.
No more–bury these fuckers and make it hurt. This is a new high in lows. I don’t want to hear that he “mis-spoke” or that it was a “joke” or that “you’re naive and this is how the game is played”. Every one of us has choices we can make on how we treat and react to other people. The GOP has consistently shown horrible judgement when it comes to picking people for responsible positions, for public office and as campaign operatives. Slash and burn politics is dead in the water and thank god.

I say to all GOP supporters: you had your day. You had your chance(s). You failed miserably to help or lead this country in any useful way. You are done–and what a way to go out: mocking the serious illness of an old woman whose family loves her. Nothing could be more apt. This IS the GOP revealed. They don’t give a shit about anyone but #1; they truly are the “I got mine” party.
I don’t want to hear the bleating of “but this is only one person; you can’t judge the whole party on this one asshole.” Yes, yes I can. This one asshole KNOWS he represents the GOP and McCain when he speaks–and this is what he chooses to say. Enough.

The only proper response I can imagine is a cold “Get out. Decent people are sick of the sight of you.” Then cut the feed on the bastard.

Even as a tasteless joke–which it wasn’t, the jackass didn’t take the out he was offered and insisted, “It’s a fact!”–it would be beyond the pale. Even if I were a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, I’d kick him the fuck out for that.

What’s obvious is that he’s going to Hawaii to finally silence the last living person who can swear he was really born in Kenya.

I’ve been lurking in some very dark, dirty places lately . . .

I think it’s a “Country First” sign.

All year McCain and the republicans have been searching for that magic bullet - something they can hang on Obama that will change the public’s mind. They’ve cycled through about 50 years of smears; terrorrist, communist, tax and spend, big city, Black Panther, muslim, elitist…it’s like they’ve got some huge smear dart board and they go with whatever they hit on any given day.

The problems with this approach are many - but mainly it boils down to two things:

  1. As they have in the past 40 years, the Republicans are running against the hippies. Except there’s an entire generation of the electorate that has no memory of that at all. Your biggest boogieman is a member of the frikkin Weather Underground. You’ve got to do better than that.

For anybody under 40 - they have no memory of tax and spend great society democrats, or long-haired LSD-using hippies. In their world, it’s the Republicans who have spent like there’s no tomorrow and proudly break the law.

  1. Many of the smears are mutually exclusive. You can tar Obama as a ghetto, drug using street punk 0r an arigula eating elitest. But how can anyone be both?

Ditto member of a African “anti-American” church AND a muslim.

Thank you!!! This has been the most bizarre election, I swear. The Cold War is over. The Vietnam War is over. The 60s Revolution has been over for a long time. Hippies are grandparents now. Who cares about any of this shit? Baby boomers, maybe. But we’re not just one generation removed from the Boomers, we’re two! For a lot of people, all this bullshit is ancient history. John Lennon, had he lived, would have been 68 this year. The freaking icon of the 60s would have been past retirement age. The majority of the crap McCain’s shelling out is either something you watch in documentaries about the Beatles or Charlie Manson, or it’s weakly informing the current counterculture movements, and those are so spread out and, quite frankly, lame that they don’t scare anybody! I mean, has anybody told him that basically nobody is scared of the word socialist anymore? Maybe people don’t want to be socialists or communists, but it’s not profanity or a grave insult!

It’s honestly the one thing that I hate most about McCain’s campaign. The rest of the world has moved on. He’s still trapped in the 1960s.

The South nursed a grudge over the War of Northern Aggression for a hundred years, and I still see “FERGIT HELL!” bumper stickers now and then, and that’s just in Florida. The decomposing residue of history can smell for a very long time.

The question is whether the target audience is capable of believing both. A question, perhaps, better not asked.

I recall when Obama visiting his grandmother first came out, some poster commented that surely not even McCain & his campaign would be dumb enough to slam him for that. Apparently, one can’t overestimate how dumb and obnoxious they are.

I agree with this. The right has created it’s own bubble full of people who speak only to each other, with an actual disdain for external reality and the “reality based community”. I’ve watched for years as they become ever more detached from reality and ever nastier.

I haven’t heard it in person, but I have seen it occasionally used in recent fiction, with phrases like “we really busted our asses humping that stuff over the mountains”. So apparently some people use it.

Yeah, but as people are quick to point out, the entire south isn’t like that. We can’t keep making policies and decisions based on the experiences of our parents and grandparents. Sure, we’re nothing but the result of history, of decisions and consequences, of choices made at the spur of the moment, of the road actually traveled. The smallest decision 20 years ago could have sent the country spiraling in a completely different direction. That doesn’t change the fact that McCain is blithely ignoring today’s political context, today’s cultural concerns, and today’s boogeymen. Hell, he keeps trying with terrorist this and terrorist that, but he’s failing because the terrorist he’s trying to link Obama to is some guy most of us has never heard of. Why? Because, if you’re my age, your parents were probably under 10 when the Weather Underground was doing…well, whatever it was they were doing. Who cares?

Actually, I said surely nobody would be dickish enough, and I knew I was being foolishly optimistic at the time. Not that that makes much of a difference; just saying, is all.

When I take a commercial jet I hump all the bags! It’s the best thing about flying coach! :slight_smile: