McCain: The Last Ten Days- Are they bluffing or planning?

He sounds like Hillary. They just do not get it. Obama has a big following. Even though they were entitled to the job, they still have to convince the voters. They failed. Repubs have been in charge for 8 years and screwed it all up. He is a repub. Plus he is a war monger .What does he have except frustration and geezer anger to feed on?

Palin as a blonde?

[Zappa] With leather?? [/Zappa]

He came out with his capital gains tax cut today.
Finally Help is on the way for us middle-classers. :rolleyes:

The status of forces agreement with Iraq is already in deep trouble, and even if Maliki et al agree to it tomorrow, there probably isn’t time for parliament to pass it before January. So no matter what McCain proposes, US forces will likely be confined to base while whoever is president goes begging to the UN to extend our mandate.

There’s not much upside for McCain on either of these issues.

Actually you can not put anything past the repubs now. Rove is in on the campaign and he is an immoral prick, He will do anything and everything. He was ,so I have read, instrumental in getting Palin in, He then turned her loose on the low ground stirring up the nuts. Being a low class lying politician. It suited her well. They no longer debate ,they name call and pass out innuendo. They hint and suggest just what they know will tantalize the bigots. Maybe they will just get as ugly as your imagination can conjure. But, Rove will be deeper and dirtier than you can even imagine. Buckle your seat belts ,we are in for a bumpy ride.

Tit for tat isn’t my cup o’ tea. Although it seems to be the MO for most people in here. “McCain supporter called Obama a n@#$#@” … “Yeah so Obama supporter called Palin a KKKUNT” … repeat and add to as needed. Maybe my fatigue has set in, but I find it disgusting for both sides.

I wasn’t saying it was my cup of tea either. I posted because, although you were responding to a specific post using a nasty word regarding Cindy McCain (her husband’s btw) though she isn’t running, I just wanted to be sure you were aware of that door already having been opened by the McCain campaign.

As as for the standard MO line, well, I do suppose the Democrats could continue to remain standing on the sidelines looking all virtuous and stuff.

You’ll love it. It’s a way of life.

My vaporous haruspication:

  1. Both.

  2. It’s not; but he’s also not too implausibly far behind to rule out an Election Day Miracle.

  3. Engineer an Election Day Miracle, likely consisting of:

  • A. bogus yet sensational last-minute campaign revelation (content irrelevant)

  • B. bogus new polls revealing McCain has “narrowed the gap”

  • C. extensive, systematic electoral fraud

He probably won’t need it anyway, but still: better safe than sorry.

Everyone is assuming it’s an attack on Obama. Could they really be low enough to come right out in the open and call a sleazy personal stab their “best material”? It reads to me like their waiting to announce specific plans, potential appointees, maybe more x-prize type things, etc.

If the McCain campaing did that then you know Secretary of the Treasuary-designate will be Warren Buffett. Since McCain has tried to steal so many other things from the Obama campaign and Buffett was a possible pick for him, McCain would probably steal that too.

Day before election: “I have consulted with my advisers to forge a bold new plan for America: paying off all your debt at once by distributing the FORT KNOX GOLD!”

Day after election: “Apparently the liberals in Congress refuse to let me pay off your debt with Fort Knox gold.”

McCain, November 4th, 2008: “Missed it by that much!”

1- Do you think he’s bluffing or is he really planning something big for the last 10 days?

Planning something about as explosive as a piss-soaked bottle rocket.

2- How is being behind in the polls “where you want” to be?

When the question is “Who do you think is more likely to molest children?”

3- If he is planning something, what do you think?

If they had anything, they’d have already been hammering away at it. If Republicans know anything, it’s how to be repetitive in their lying-ass hatemongering.

With all the early voting in the elections they’d be idiots to hold onto any scrap of information that would turn the tide. Ballots are already being handed in.

Zombie Reagan!

And he (Obama) has recently said (he AND Biden, actually) “Well, bring it on, old man, have the balls to say it to my face.” (Well, not in so many words, maybe).

McCain brings up Ayers, he’s gonna kick himself right in the nads.

If McCain has anything that hasn’t been floating around publically that’ll be quite the story.

I think he’s going to come knives out and go for the throat.

He’s going to talk about how a young Barry Soetero attended a Madrassa in Indonesia. If he were really smart how he’d play it is that Obama as an apostate is at greater risk than another President would be due to Muslim reactions to apostasy. I doubt McCain’s camp is that smart.

Regardless I think it’s going to be the “Obama is a Muslim” meme and things that didn’t get much traction thus far will be pushed to the limit.

If McCain has information about Barack Obama which he feels the public needs to know, then it is incumbent on his “country first” ass to come out with it now instead of saving it to use as a self-serving political tactic.

He does not have a bombshell, and it’s stupid for his campaign to imply that he does. It will just make him look that much more pathetic when nothing materializes.

Even if he DID have a dead girl or live boy and was holding back on it, he would just be proving that his “country first” mantra is a falsehhood. and that all he cares about is his own political gain.

MCain is a flailing, pathetic, impotent old man, waving his flaccid putz in insignificant rage.

It’s much worse than you imagine. It’s a dead boy.

Death by Unga Bunga!