Cheap shot opportunist or someone who’s past is bothering him? As much as I don’t like the Bush Administration this seems a low blow. If he hadn’t written a book and just decided to speak his mind I’d feel better about it. I expect many former staffers may have been approached about writing a book and I can’t imagine one that’s positive in nature would be of much interest to a publisher.
Well, one thing’s for sure - McClellan just went from lying-scumbag-shill to brave-and-noble-truth-teller in a lot of people’s eyes…
And vice-versa.
And in other’s he’s gone from lying-scumbag-shill to lying-scumbag-shill-cowardly-worthless bastard.
I always considered McClellan a Grade A tool and I can’t say that this changes much. On the other hand, if it further discredits the war in Iraq, I could see it having some (perhaps not much, but some) affect on McCain’s chances later on. For as much as McClellan is a tool, he’s a tool with some inside knowledge on how the war was marketed.
I wouldn’t call him brave and noble just yet, but if half of what he’s saying about Bush and Rove are true I’m impressed that he’s not afraid to stand against them.
The real question is why did he wait so long to tell the truth (if what he’s telling now actually is the truth)? Did his conscience finally catch up to him?
No, actually he’s gone from lying-scumbag-shill to another GOPer who suddenly developed a conscience after it no longer mattered - and is still a lying-scumbag-shill.
Powell did it for honor, it seemed (too late), and McClellan did it for a paycheck.
Let’s put it this way, I’ve seen a lot more memoirs by people who were motivated to settle old scores and get back at their enemies than I have by people who “went from lying-scumbag-shill to brave-and-noble-truth-teller.”
You don’t understand. Since the SDMB is full of Librul Swine Who Hate America, now that Ol’ Scooty has said something bad about Dubya, all the LSWHA are supposed to be lining up to polish Ol’ Scooty’s knob.
Pay attention!
Who can say what his motive is? He was a lying scumbag for the Bush Admin. He may have developed a conscience But the point is is he telling the truth now. ? His motives do not change the facts.
[shrug] What are they gonna do about it?
My take is that he’s trying to refurbish his image in his own eyes. He was such an embarrassment in that job—whether lying or telling the truth about anything. He had absolutely no gravitas or confidence and he routinely looked like a little boy in over his head. Now he can put on the costume of brave crusading truth-teller. He’s simply one of the worst people to hold that job that I can remember, for either side.
You forget the vice versa…the knives are definitely coming out for McClellan.
As opposed to the Minister of Truth Tony Snow.
I’m sure that’s what Valerie Plame was saying, too.
They should have hired Baghdad Bob when they had the chance.
Sure, but he, Fleischer, and Parino at least gave some sort of…confidence (no, not believability) to the BS they spout.
Scooty’s whole schtick seemed to be spouting BS while giving a “please don’t hit me!” look.
I think that’s in his favor perhaps. Imagine how hard it is to stand there and be positive and supportive of all that bullshit day after day.
Who said it was easy? Then again, I don’t recall Selective Service telling Ol’ Scooty that it was his time to serve as The Point Man On Bullshit Ridge, either.
-Fallacy of the excluded something else.
He’s a Republican that doesn’t stay bought.
Well, with the economy the way it is…