McDonald's Really Messing With Me

Simple carbs are the “drugs” they’re using. They provide no nutritional value other than giving people sugar crashes and a desire to consume more. And yes, if you spend a lot of time at McDonalds you should see a doctor.

To me, Taco Bell is the only place that seems to be formulated so you can’t get enough. And maybe pizza places, but that just seems to be something about pizza.

Still, I’m not sure I buy the simple carbs explanation by iteslf, as that would imply the OP never eats out anywhere. I’d say it’s more confirmation bias. You were told McDonald’s is drugged, so, when you got “evidence” of it, then it had to be true.

Obviously the answer is here. McDonald’s didn’t drug you; your kids did.

Are you sure you don’t mean wing joints? Especially those that serve beer. Weird.

I wonder what kind of drug they give you. :smiley:

The ‘drugs in McDonalds’ myth was used as joke fodder in the early 90’s movie So I Married An Axe Murderer. Does anyone know if it was widespread before then?

You were hungry. McD’s is SUPER low in fiber, won’t fill anyone up for long. No drugs. And thanks a lot, cuz now I want some. (Both.)

Not drugs, but careful ingredient selection and presentation:

The whole article is well worth a read.

Your kids are fattening you up, ready for the slaughter - and don’t want to spoil their appetites.

Maybe they’re the same guy: while he was gassed, hotel employees in the pay of McDonald’s injected him with drugs so that the next time he ate McD’s he’d go mashuggenah with the eating. It all makes sense now!

[quote=“Duckster, post:2, topic:533583”]

So you believe that MacDonalds is illegally tainting their food so as you to eat more of it? Is that about right? You heard it from somewhere so it must be true?

No, idiot, that’s not about right. I actually -ate- there and the experience was so horrific that maybe I will see a doctor - - - something’s just not normal over there.

Your response replies that I’ve never been hungry, or that something about the entire day was unusual (like an international flight) that would better explain the result. I’ve considered it, but my day just wasn’t that unusual.

Hmmmm . . . the first rational response. I’d buy that, but why don’t I have that experience with any other fast food or convenience store junk food? It must have been like some kind of nutritional vacuum and sucked every worthwhile molecule out of my body, the way I felt so hungry afterwards . . .

Get me his number.

To say such a thing, I suspect you don’t have kids. Mine are pretty finicky, though, and seem to randomly switch foods they adore and foods they hate completely.

Another rational response. A couple questions: What’s an OP? and . . . . what’s special about McDonalds’ fat, sugar, starch, and salt? I’ve never had this experience at other fast food places.

yes, I had a ton of carbs. And a ton of protein, too, in the burgers, fish filets, and chicken nuggets. Is this effect reduced by having protein? So you’re saying if I could force myself to eat a loaf of bread, I’d have the same response? (I can’t imagine eating a whole loaf of bread at once, unless of course I bought it at McDonald’s.)

That was KFC, not McDonald’s.

You’re almost clever . . . except in my post I said the kids only drank the chocolate milk. The milk came in little sealed milk bottles, probably sealed at the dairy and preventing them from sticking their syringes in it . . . .

There is no such thing as a nutritional vacuum. What you experienced is a phenomenon known as confirmation bias. You experienced an unfamiliar feeling probably caused by a metabolic issue (being too hungry, eating food you don’t normally eat, low blood sugar, possible developing medical condition, etc. There’s literally more than a hundred reasons you could have felt the way you did) and associated it with McDonald’s reputation for serving unhealthy food and using some advanced psychology in their marketing. Combine that with the fact that you’ve heard McDonald’s might go as far as to drug their food to stimulate the feeling you had, and suddenly the one thing seems like evidence for the other.

There’s plenty of reasons not to eat at McDonald’s, but “I’m afraid of being drugged” isn’t one of them. There probably isn’t a restaurant chain under more regulatory scrutiny than McDonald’s. The food just sucks.