MD plates

I’m sure this must have been asked and answered, but damned if I can find it in a search. So, here goes: What’s the point of having “MD” on a medical doctor’s license plate? I’ve come up with two possibilities:

A) Some sort of parking privilege in hospital zones. I doubt this one, because I assume there would be some sort of permit that could be displayed instead.

B) Medical doctors require everyone to know that they graduated medical school.

Is there a C?

I’m going to venture it’s B. Vanity plate for sure. Every time I see one , I say to myself that if I was an MD, I wouldn’t want to broadcast it on my car. Seems to me that you might be inviting a break-in by a drug seaker, no? And then, of course, there’s the old ‘Is there a doctor in the house?’ thing. Ya could be dragged from the car and forced to treat a victem some where.

In NYC, the parking is so bad, supposedly to make house calls easier. Not available in Cal for example. Also, I knew docs who didn’t want them -attract druggies who might break in .

For those of us who have never seen such a thing (a non-vanity) “MD plate,” could you please say where you have one?

Are you asking me where there are non-vanity MD plates. I live in Manhattan and they are all over the place. I’ve lived other places and they seem to be pretty universal. It just will say “MD” on the side of the license plate along with the license plate number (although in slightly smaller font).

doctordoowop - housecalls? I venture those may still exist, but nowhere near the number of doctors do housecalls compared to the number of cars with MD plates!

Couldn’t agree more, but house calls are done in NYC on shut-ins, admittedly rare. More commonly done at movie shoots in big cities for injuries/“nerve pills.” The MD plates were very common in the NYC area, sort of like Handicapped placards-allow OT parking at meters, etc. I would be the 1st to say they are abused by docs who want to park free or on a “social” call. Not needed at hospitals, because there are all kinds of stickers, signs etc that allow hospital parking. There is the danger of attracting attention from the wrong people.

I’ve noticed that damn near everybody in Maryland has MD plates.

So then, making an exception for the rare house-call doc (and the excusable doctors in Maryland) this is pure vanity? How sad.

…and I’m thinking that you are seeing a standard plate with the Maryland abbreviation of MD. There are a ton of New York plates with NY in them. The MD on an MD plate will be smaller or larger than the other letters and numbers.

I dunno if it’s pure vanity.

My state does not have these plates, so this is a WAG.

What if there is an accident and the road is partially blocked.
Wouldn’t these licenses give the MD the right of way to the seen of an accident?
Or what if the MD got a page that they are need right NOW at the hospital?

But then, I guess if th eabove were true, they’d have fireman plates, too.

“But then, I guess if th eabove were true, they’d have fireman plates, too.”

Plates? Who needs plates? They’e got sirens and stowable flashing red lights.

ltfire, I think you’ve been wooshed. :smiley:

I have never seen MD plates, and I got my MD in Maryland. Been practicing around the midwest since then, and haven’t noted a one. I didn’t even know they still existed. But historically, they were issued for housecalls years ago.

The only time I tried to get out to help at an accident, the cop there (no ambulance, just a cop) screamed at me and threatened to arrest me for interfering (I told her I was a doc) so I just left. I don’t think MD plates would have helped then.

We don’t have these in Ontario any more. Most of the housecalls I do are at places with ample parking. I don’t want people breaking into my 1992 Camry to steal my CDs.

Minnesota and Wisconsin both have firefighter and EMT license plates.

St. Urho

Go here
Ninth plate from the top.

Interesting link, ltfire. I see that CPAs, acupuncturists, engineers and architects also have their own plates. Ditto chiropracters and hypnotherapists.

In that whole list, the only occupation I see with what I’d think would be a valid need for such plates is the visiting nurse.

New York appears to have quite the menagerie of specialty plates. The list, frankly, is mind-boggling - here is the page containing links to their seven sub-category pages.

They do have an entire page devoted to plates identifying “Emergency Services”, which includes such things as EMT’s, volunteer firefighters, and ham radio operators(?).

Interestingly, among the now-common array of local colleges you can get emblazoned on your plates, New York residents can get plates touting Indiana University, Notre Dame, and Penn State.

…and it’s all about money. You pay double the regular registration fee each renewel. Hows this for an anomoly. NY issues NO plates mentioning 9/11.

A-HA! so you agree with me that they are vanity plates.

They sure seem to be. I don’t know if there are any NY state statutes that confer special exemptions to cars with MD plates. If so, you could argue that they serve a function. Absent that, I’d think it a pure vanity thing. Fortunately I think I’m past the phase where I’d want MD plastered on my car.