Me, my mom and Oscar Wilde

OK, so I read The Picture of Dorian Gray a coupla weeks ago- bound up in a volume with a few of Oscar Wilde’s short stories.

Devoured it, actually. I enjoyed Wilde’s writing style. I fairly giggled my way through large portions of the book. Wilde’s wit and easy manner with words and his irreverence toward Victorian morals and mores were delightful.

When I finished the book, I loaned it to my mom.

She is slogging her way through the book. She finds Wilde’s writing style tedious. I seriously doubt if she’ll finish it.

Go figure.

Does this seem kind of backwards to anyone but me?

For five people, there will be five reactions to a writing style. I haven’t read Dorian Gray since HS, but I found it a bit tedious then. Your mom might enjoy The Importance of Being Earnest more.

Why is it backward? Because your mom is closer to being of the Victorian era than you?

Well, yeah.

I mean, she likes the Bronte sisters and stuff…

I can’t recall much liking or disliking “Dorian Grey”, although, come to think of it, I might be near your mother’s age, for all I know. :frowning:

All the same, I agree about her trying “Ernest” or getting a “Complete Works” edition and just dipping in.

OK, but I’m reading it first.