Meage a trois - Every man's fantasy?

Last night a group of friends and I went out for a couple of beers, and somewhere along the line the conversation turned to sex. At this point it was revealed by myself and the other guy in the group that it’s a big male fantasy to have two women at the same time. I thought everyone already knew this, but two of the girls in the group were flabberghasted.

Anyway, based on our discussion, the men were in favor of two girls with one guy, but not so keen on two guys with one girl. The women in our group (bless their little hearts) also seemed to take to the two girls with one guy scenario over the two guys to one girl idea (although the girls seemed to prefer the old one-on-one to a menage a trois, even in fantasyland).

So, how do the TM’s feel about this issue. Is the menage a trois a big turn-on for all guys? How about for the women? And what breakdown - Two males or two females when the threesome is engaged?

Personally, I would much prefer there be two females (although in actuality, if it were every seriously suggested I don’t think I’d be able to really do it!)

This has been kicked around here alot, and I’ve avoided joining the discussion up 'til now. Here’s my experience:

I was involved in a 3 way with a married couple (I’m male). The husband just sort of sat and watched and then participated with his wife some (there wasn’t any sexual contact between he and I). She seemed to enjoy the fact that he was enjoying it, and I, being the people-pleaser that I am, enjoyed the fact that they were both enjoying it, so it worked out ok. Would I make a regular thing of it? No. I would think it takes an incredible amount of detachment to watch your spouse or SO having sex with another person, or to participate in something like that with your spouse.

Good sex, IMHO, is an experience best shared by two.

Been there, done that (I was young and handsome, much unlike now), and although it was fun, I don’t want to do it again. I kind of like sharing intimacy with one person at a time now. Unfortunately, that one person seems to be myself far too often.

Amen, Mr. C. On both points.

To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, men want 2 women at once so after they are done in 5 minutes and fall asleep, the women have each other to talk to.

I agree with Mr. Cynical on most counts. Been there, done that, and I don’t have any desire to do it again. I’ve got my hands full with my new bride and that is simply perfect.

Me and a buddy of mine, while loaded, have kicked the idea around of doing one girl at the same time. Our general conclusion is that as long as there is a torso in-between us no harm no foul.

Now we just need a really drunk girl.

Been there, done that, wish I hadn’t, wouldn’t do it again.

Buncha prudes and wimps!
I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Damn.

I have been in a threesome with two men and myself, and while I enjoyed it, I would have enjoyed it far more of some sort of ground rules had been laid down. My main problem was: I had NO idea who I was supposed to pay attention to at any given time!! They were both completely straight, so there was no question of them paying any attention to each other, so I’d have someone doing something to me here, and someone doing something to me there, and to respond to one would mean to ignore the other and damnit, I couldn’t be POLITE about it! So that was fun, could have been a lot more fun. More than willing to try it again, especially with the same 3rd.

I have been in a threesome with a man and another woman, and that WOULD have been fun had she not been (A) so far in the closet as a bisexual that we had to wash the mothballs out of her garment bag and (B) a dead-arse.

Fortunately, I am about to be the wedding present for a lovely couple I know (I told them it would save me having to go shopping and at least I’d be giving them something I know they’d USE…heh) and am looking forward to it with mad anticipation. Hub knows; hub’s cool.

And there’s my take on this topic, boys n girls.

A menagerie of Counselor Trois. Yes, that is my fantasy!

Been there, done that, fotomat lost the pictures.

It only works if the girls are into each other. Otherwise there is rarely enough man to go around. Hell, women are nearly always complaining that a man can’t satisfy them one on one… how are they gonna do two?

Both the girls I was with were bi, and were dating each other, so I was pretty much just another new toy. I feel so used… and I kinda like it.

As for two guys and a girl, it can happen, but depends on the guys. I’d have no problem, but some guys might balk at having to go shopping for sausage. I suppose it is probably a better situation for the girl than the prior is for the guy. Guys are pretty competitive, so would think it would carry over there.

I can’t even get lucky with ONE man, let alone two.

When I was in college, I spent a lot of time hanging out with two guys who were really good friends. The three of us did everything together, and though we never had a threesome, we certainly had thought about it a lot. Sometimes the three of us would lay around in the bed together, and I thought it felt very nice to be so close to them.

I think I need to go take a shower now.

Michi, my name is Brian, and I’m a sagittarius…

::exposing gold medallion in chest hair::

Where did this buterfly collar come from?!?!

Hamadryad, you go!

Once had best friend’s boyfriend tell her that a big fantasy for him involved the two of them together with me. Could have backfired but didn’t.

Did it, it was fun but we were WAY too drunk. She’s still the best friend, he’s long gone. Don’t know if that’s related!

Why is it that a man thinks two women having sex is hot stuff (just check out the net sites), but that the thought of two men together makes them shrivel up?

Actually, in our discussion last night (which lead to the thread) the girls were turned off by the idea of watching two guys go at it as well, so I don’t think it’s just us men.

I have done it many times with my ex. Sometimes with as many as five people (ourselves included) at once. It can be very intense and intensely boring depending on the situation. We never had to worry about those icky girls getting in our fun so that wasn’t a problem. As long as we played safe (which we did with others) then all was fun. I don’t know if I would do it now. I think I pretty much grew out of that and am having as much fun as I want with just one person.


Well, EJsGirl, personally I don’t have a problem with the 2 men / 1 woman scenerio. I’ll bet that most guys do because they see the other man as “competition” for the woman, and that just turns them off. If they could get by that and see him as just another person in the sack, it would probably work.

Been there, done that - both ways. Both are fun. Depends more on the people than the particular combination. But then again, I live this way! grin Three’s not a crowd, it’s my family.

I recently failed to follow up on a possible 5-way due to a complicated emotional situation & because I wasn’t sure of the comfort&interest level of one party. I was having visions of the living room decked out in Visqueen and Wesson. Maybe next time…we should be seeing them again next year. :smiley:

Assuming that same-sex contact will be little to none, MFM is much more practical. The guys do have to be comfortable with each other, however. And all of the attention can certainly be quite something for the lady!

However, women are sometimes more comfortable than men at considering bisexuality. If (and ONLY IF) both fems are interested & willing to try that out, then FMF can be fun for all and a dream come true for the guy.

Of course, these situations are often uncomfortable because (I think) of their rarity. How comfortable are you on the first time with someone, even when there’s only two? Adding extras just makes it a bit more complicated. It does take a little time & practice to get the details worked out, but when you’re all in the groove, it’s great!

Never done it, but I’d be curious to try. Both ways…2 girls/1 guy AND 2 guys/1 girl. Getting all that attention when there were 2 guys there? Mmmmmmmmm.

1). FMF is a very popular male fantasy.

2). MFM is a less popular fantasy among women than FMF is among men.

3). … in fact, I’d say FMF is more popular than MFM in general regardless of the gender of the opinionated.

But I’m probably telling you something you either already agree with or suspected all along, it just doesn’t come up that often at the water cooler at work.

As for my own experiences… any kind of threesome will profoundly affect the way you view the other two participants. You will never be able to think of them the way you did before “that night”.

For me, it was good - I’m still very close to the other two parties who were involved.

For someone like my “Friend in Houston” [who shall not be named to protect her lack-of-innocence], she is firmly of the opinion that the potential for emotional catastrophe requires that you not ever engage in such activity with someone who could become your life-long friend/lover/spouse.

Now she’s got me worried…

Long time RGMWer and ardent AOLer