Meaning Behind "Teardrop Tatoo"

I was at the libary this afternoon and there was a patron in line ahead of me and he was seeking information about having his criminal record expunged.

I noticed he had a teardrop tatoo just down from the corner of his eye.

Doesn’t that tatoo mean “murderer?”

But now that I think about it, there was a musical with Johnny Depp in it and he had a teardrop tatoo also. I don’t remember why he had it or anything else about the movie. Ricki Lake may have been in it to.


Not necessarily “murderer” no.

From this article, a book review of “The Tattoo Encyclopedia”:

I’ve had a few different people tell me it it represents how many years you’ve been in prison. This guy - only one? Not too sure, though.

A friend who actually did time told me it can have different conotations depending which side of the face the tattoo is on as well as whether it is shaded in or an outline only. For most people it merely means a loss, usually of a loved one or close friend, but it can mean murder(either comitted by the bearer or to someone he knows.) This would have been true only among the white boys in a specific prison, though, I’m sure it varies by region and ethnic group/gang affiliation.

Early searches point to an “it depends on the location” kind of deal.

Looks like in Wisconsin it has that meaning:

In Washington we have this case:

Now in Texas, it is a different deal:

Just google for:
teardrop tattoo murder
And you will get more cases.

Interesting stuff, just be careful if you just look for “Tattoos”, some links there are not safe for work.

Ricki Lake was indeed in it as were Traci Lords and Iggy Pop among others. The film was Crybaby directed by John Waters.

Down here in Very South Texas, the teardrop facial tattoo pretty much exclusively refers to the death of a lifelong friend or beloved. And is not really a mark of pride.

If, for example, I was in a car crash that was my fault, and my girlfriend died, I would get such a tattoo. If I didn’t have to balls to kill myself, that is. I’d rather die, I think.

All of the above are correct; the meaning of the tattoo changes depending on region and association. There isn’t really much of a central governing body or voting authority for this sort of thing.

I often heard that a spiderweb on the elbow meant that person murdered someone. Of course I see a million people walking around with that so either it’s not true or :eek:

Spiderwebs usually refer to drug addiction or time served.

I’d always heard the spiderweb meant you’d served time. As in caught in the “web” of prison.

Pravnik hit it though, the tattoos mean different things to different people. Certain gangs may have specified meanings, but those aren’t a nationwide standard or anything. Too, some of it is just tough guy posturing. Some teardrop tattoos only mean “I think this looks pretty cool/tough/badass”.

FWIW, I’ve heard the teardrop means you’ve killed someone, either on purpose or accidentally or by your actions (i.e you started a confrontation that ultimately got your buddy killed). YMMV

Well, you also have to remember that any tattoo that “looks neat” could very easily be picked up by some kids who want a neat looking tattoo without realizing what the actual meaning of it is.

I’ve seen 1 or 2 beautiful teardrop tattoos. Neither of them were on people who looked like they killed anyone - more like, “Hey, that looks neat! I want one!”