I’ve been following the God/faith/religion threads here for the past few months, absorbing and digesting all the nuggets of wisdom and folly contained therein. I’ve also been involved in numerous conversations with a very conservative Bible-literalist friend of mine during that time, and the other day we were discussing the “meaning of life,” or more precisely “Why are we here?” His answer was along the lines of “To worship and glorify God,” which was acceptable and consistent within his world-view. He then turned it around and asked me (he calls me a “devout atheist”) why I thought we (human beings) were here. I thought for a moment and said “To reproduce.” He scoffed at this, and I wasn’t completely satisfied with that answer at the time, but lately I’ve come to the opinion that it makes a lot of sense.
Human beings are life forms, evolved from earlier life, just like every other plant and animal species on the planet. One of, if not the primary characteristic of life is to reproduce itself. Or, as Richard Dawkins explains, our bodies are just vessels for our selfish genes. We exist simply to reproduce and pass our genes on.
So when I thought back on the “Why are we here?” question, it seemed to be a nonsense question. It’s like asking “Why do fish live in water?” There is no why, there is just a what. Fish live in water. Life reproduces.
So I suppose I’m asking other “atheists” why do you think we are here? Or does the question even make any sense?
“There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.” - Bob Dylan
“‘Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the Teacher.
‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.’”
-Ecclesiastes 1:1 (NIV)