Meaning of "Maru"

There is the infamous Kobayashi(sp?) Maru from STII.
There is the ship that recently got hit by a submarine.
There is the something Maru in “Andromeda”.

What does “maru” mean? I found out that the word ‘Maru’ has been used in ship names in Japan since 1493.

Does it mean “ship” or “boat” or anything?



“Maru” generally means “circle” or “round”, but can be used to mean other things like money or purity, depending on the context. I think that the Japanese version of the period at the end of a sentence is called a maru. I don’t know what the word has to do with ships, though. Someone will probably be along to explain shortly.

I looked elsewhere, but did I search this board? Nooo!

bad N9IWP, bad!

In a business strategy class I took a few years ago we read a case involing Komatsu (makers of heavy construction equipment).

Komatsu’s strategy, as the company’s management stated it was “Maru Cat” - or surround/encircle Catepillar, their chief rival.

Maru is also used to connote something generic–it actually makes sense if you look at the pictogram. So for example, yama can mean ‘place’; Maruyama, literally ‘circle-place,’ could be used as a generic place name, similar to the way we use the word ‘Anytown’ in English.

Look for this usage especially in manga, where you may see generic banks or stores in the background.

The unexploded tortilla is not worth eating.