Media question re: Cheney's indictment for "organized crime activity"

This question probably isn’t GQey enough so I’ll ask it here: Cheney and Gonzales were indicted for “engaging in organized criminal activity” by a grand jury some place in Texas. There is an AP link, but I don’t really recall there being much of a media fuss. Is it that this indictment isn’t being taken seriously, or did I miss more substantial news reports?

Even the Fark thread seems a little thin for what I’d think would be meatier news fodder. I would have missed the story if it hadn’t obtrusively gotten in my way at my email log in page and I had to really hunt for it on CNN and that version was a very incomplete story. Is this some kind of non-story or something?

Answers of a sort here.

Oh, thanks! I don’t poke around the Debates much and didn’t see the thread.

Of course it’s a non-story. A state grand jury indicted a federal official because he happens to invest in the Vanguard Group, “which holds financial interests in the private prison companies running the federal detention centers” which happen to be in the county where the grand jury met???

Vanguard has 18,000,000 investment accounts and 10,000 employees, any of whom are arguably more culpable than an investor. How many Vanguard employees did the grand jury indict?

Er… thanks.

The news articles I’ve seen so far haven’t provided much backstory. Hence the question in my OP. But thanks, really. Now I know I should slap my forehead and think: “Well, duh. Did I ask a stupid question or what?”