If it is unethical for a doctor to date a patient, is it also unethical for my son’s doctor to ask me out? He keeps flirting but I am not sure if that’s the issue or not.
If your son is not an adult, and you are responsible for making medical decisions for him, it would be unethical for his doctor to enter into a personal relationship with you.
Especially if he is your son’s psychiatrist.
Likewise, Aaron has a buddy at his daycare who is about a month older. His mother happens to be one of the family practice doctors at the clinic where he goes, and Aaron has seen her.
We have an unstated understanding that playdates and birthday parties are not really a good idea; she is his doctor and the relationship between Aaron and her son is strictly a daycare one. It might present a problem with future care if she can’t stay objective.
OTOH, if/when Aaron ceases to be a patient at the clinic, things might change.
Well msrobyn, when I mentioned ‘personal relationships’ I was thinking more of the romantic/sexual kind. I wouldn’t call it unethical if the two kids developed a friendship. But not developing one certainly avoids problems too.
Yes, my son is underage for quite a few more years and I am responsible for makin ghis medical decisions. Darn - he was a hottie too!
you could always change doctors.
Changing docs would be an option as burner points out, but you might want to check and see if the doc is interested in a relationship first. His bedside manner may be such that he flirts with a lot of the moms.
Changing docs would be an option as burner points out, but you might want to check and see if the doc is interested in a relationship first. His bedside manner may be such that he flirts with a lot of the moms.
So exactly how am I supposed to do THAT? “Hey doc, do you want my money or my BODY!” LMAO! I think I will just troll elsewhere:D
Are you really just trolling?
I know what you meant, and I know that doctors’ kids have to play with someone, but I’m not entirely comfortable with the idea of judgment clouded by friendship.
No I’m not really trolling, I actually want his body. Does that make me a troll?
You said you were trolling. Trolls are persona non grata at SDMB, and get banned quickly. Glad to hear you’re not one.
OK, now I get the context. You were talking about “trolling” for another possible guy to date. Never mind. My bad.
“Trolls” here post inflammatory opinions only to get a reaction from other posters. This behavior is forbidden.