OP, if I were in your shoes I’d be visiting an urgent-care clinic.
Wow, I can’t believe you’re actually recommending this on a site dedicated to fighting ignorance. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Here’s Similisan. Active ingredients, according to their website:
Chamomilla 10X - sensitivity to drafts, soothing
Mercurius solubilis 15X - fullness, sensitivity to cold
Sulphur 12X - itchiness, sensitivity to water
The principles of homepathatic dilution state that a dilution of “1X” means that the active ingredient is diluted with water to 1/10 of its pure state. a dilution of “2X” means dilution to 1/10 performed twice in a row, i.e. the active ingredient is present at 1/100 of its pure state. So:
Chamomilla is present at 1/10,000,000,000 of its pure state.
Mercurius solubilis is present at 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 of its pure state.
Sulphur is present at 1/1,000,000,000,000 of its pure state.
At this point you may wish to review metric prefixes.
A few drops of water poured in your ear weighs a few milligrams. Which means one dose of this stuff contains femtograms of chamomilla, and attograms of Mercurius solubilis. Fentanyl is in the news for being super-deadly in small amounts, and a typical therapeutic (i.e. medically useful/non-deadly) dose is 50-100 micrograms. Absent any results from documented drug trials of Similasan conducted in accordance with FDA-approved protocols (and there aren’t any), there’s no reason to believe it would have a physiological effect any different from that of pure water.