Meet the Folks. Wow, did that suck.

I watched this last night. Two seemingly normal parents whoring out their daughter to three guys who, as the show progressed, were revealed to be scumbags.

Of course, I tuned in, and didn’t change the channels, so I suppose the network won. Though, I won’t watch again.

Really, it was very disturbing. These schmucks had every skeleton yanked out of their closet for the entire country to see. And the parents had to essentially chose the least offensive one to take their little girl to Hawaii.

Anyone else watch this crap?

I watched this crap, too, though I must admit that I laughed out loud a couple of times. Jason (aka Tom Cruise after a bender), is dumb as a stump. When he started banging that drum, I lost it!

However, most of the time, I felt like I was watching an episode of “Elimidate”. You’d think NBC could do better than that…scratch that…I saw “Dog Eat Dog”. I have no hope for them. I’m even sick of “Fear Factor”.

I’ll stick with “The Mole” and “The Amazing Race”, thank you.
[sub](I will not admit to watching “Big Brother”)[/sub]

Is it just me, or are all of the US’s game shows resembling those Japanese shows we used to make fun of?

This has crossed my mind more than once. Then I just shake it off and go back to the Big Brother live feeds. :smiley:


Good lord, I was thoroughly entertained watching this show tonight, and I will watch again. Why? I was in the mood for mindless tomfoolery and this completely fit the bill. I laughed repeatedly just at the looks on the guys faces when something new would happen.