"The Family" - It is actually good

I thought this was going to be a trainwreck but, for some reason, my mind is programmed to give every reality show a chance. It really was good and funny.

It isn’t on the same quality tier as Survivor, The Amazing Race, or The Mole (which I don’t watch regularly), but it is better than the other shit ABC churned out this season (Are You Hot?, I’m a Celebrity…).

It is like Gosford Park meets The Nnny but way funnier. The Dynasty touches during the credits are classic too! Any show that has built-in “snark” (for lack of better words) is fine by me. They even made George Hamilton likeable, still maintaining his necessary cheesiness.

My early fave is Cousin Mike. Hating Aunt Donna (bitch!) and the “social secretary.”

Watch this show - You won’t regret it!!

I looked for this thread, I was wondering if I was the only one who saw that show…
I can’t stand the host… He gives me the creeps…
I get so mad at some of the people in there, the perfect decription of the type of people I despise… That must be why I watched it…! and probably will again!

My wife and I found this reasonably fun (I had read a positive review earlier in an entertainment journal I trust, or I wouldn’t have bothered). It’s pretty obvious the producers went out of their way to find a real-life group of stereotypical “guidos,” but that’s half the fun.

And at the end, when that woman was talking about Thai food but pronouncing it “thigh” food — I couldn’t stop laughing.

Yep. My dh and I fell into the trap of watching it as well.

Do these people know they’re being mocked?

Cervaise…I, too, am amazed that there are real life guidos out there. sigh

Yep. I think we’re suckered in this for the whole season.

I liked it. A good old Survivor/Mole style gameshow. I was surprised USA Today gave it a hideous review. Glad I didn’t see that beforehand.

I was worried about the family aspect when I heard the description. A close family (like grandparents, parents, and a bunch of kids) would have been no fun, but the assortment of random cousins seems like it will work. I know I’d screw over some of my cousins for a million dollars.

I watched too, I’m not usually home on Tuesday nights, but I lucked out this week. I like cousin Mike too, which, with my track record in picking the winners in these things, probably means he’ll be the next to get bounced.

As for the stereotype, as a born and bred Jersey girl, I have to say I was a little annoyed that they chose this particular family. Between her nasal voice and the accent, Aunt Donna is going to set us New Jerseyans back decades.