Megamind, was the plot changed?

I can remember seeing an early preview for this movie or article that really made by want to see it based on the interesting premise presented, which was that what If Lex Luthor did kill Superman? Would the villain be able to defend the earth and keep it, and if he did so would he not become the hero?

The film as made seems different than I expected, out of boredom the villain creates a new hero to fight which gets out of hand.

I know they changed the name before release but did they change the plot or am I imagining things?

If you are interested in that premise, there was graphic novel called Empire by Mark Waid which was basically that (albeit a more serious take on it than Megamind would have been of course). It was the story of what happens after the bad guy does indeed conquer the world.

Empire sounds intriguing. I’ll check it out. Thanks

But doesn’t he believe he’s killed the big superhero near the beginning? So that follows, even though the hero only faked his death.

One of the movies I’ve watched about 4-5 times on my iPad. Just a lot of fun.

Well, if, like the film (and most comic books), you ignore the tens of thousands of people who had to have been slaughtered during the various battles and events… :wink:

Megamind wasn’t bored; in “killing” Metroman, Megamind killed his purpose, so he no longer had any focus or goal in life. He destroyed the partnership (of sorts) that had been the focus of his life since babyhood. Not boredom: existential crisis.

Yup, he thought controlling the city and owning everything would make his life complete. He was wrong, and discovered that his real joy in life was his battles against Metroman, even when he lost every single one.

Which makes me wonder how things go after the end of the movie, since he will just end up similarly bored.

Actually, I picture something similar to the end of The Incredibles, where other “supervillians” start popping up out of the woodwork, and now he gets his fun from battles against lots of different people, and (hopefully for the city) winning every once in a while.

I am reminded of the dynamic between Captain Amazing and Casanova Frankenstein in Mystery Men. After Amazing finally captures his arch-enemy, he finds that his corporate sponsors are not willing to continue backing him (since crime has diminished so precipitously). So, his alter-ego, billionaire Lance Hunt urges the powers-that-be to release Casanova Frankenstein. And then, of course, hilarity ensues.

Wait a second. Are you saying Lance Hunt is Captain Amazing? Lance Hunt wears glasses!

Yeah, I didn’t get that in Megamind, he gets the girl and becomes a hero because he sorts out a problem of his own making? He created Titan, that whole mess was his fault. Cleaning it up shouldn’t make him the good guy to everyone.

It’s possible I’m entirely missing the point.

I think you’re not supposed to think too much about the damage to the city and the potential dead citizens. :smiley:

On the other hand, from the very first scene, I was under the strong impression that Megamind wasn’t intended to be a villain at all, but just ended up that way because he couldn’t find anything else he was good at but the super business, and “superhero” was taken by Mr sparklepants, leaving supervillain as the going option.

So to me, the whole “creating a mess and sorting it out” was him realizing that super is a given, but villain/hero is negotiable, and he can function as the superhero just as well.

I also get the strong impression that the populace remains (understandably) a little shell-shocked by Megamind and past battles anyway, so there’s that.

Well, there’s also the fact that he’s about as evil as a mischievous 4th-grader. Let’s face it, he was incapable of scaring a woman with his homemade Pit of Death. This is not a guy who inspires terror amongst the citizenry. Heck, his most evil deed was by accident, as he wasn’t capable of understanding the depths that Titan was capable of.

“Oh, a spider! Ok, that is new.”

He won’t be bored because now he’s getting laid.

The Blu-Ray (maybe the DVD too) has a short about exactly that. …Sort of.

My daughter saw this film before watching SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE.

She later described the part where baby Kal-El gets rocketed to Earth as being “just like Goody Two-Shoes!”

Is he still juuust eveil enough to skate over that point? After all, at the point where he finally whops Titan there’s only (quick count) three people and a fish who know it’s his fault, and most of them like him.