I don’t know this product, but I do know vitamins and I get so pissed off at Doctors claiming they are not worth the cost. Any vitamin passing the FDA tests to get approval has to do what it claims it will. I take lots of vitamins because of the way I work, I often do not eat right and for a long time every winter I managed to get some nasty flue or a series of colds, until I started taking vitamins. I take a specific series that have proven themselves for me over the years.
Since I don’t often eat enough vegetables, I take certain amounts of A or betacarrotine (sp), certain amounts of C, folic acid, biotin and E. I rarely take Iron because too much iron can cause you problems. I’m pretty much approaching middle age now and don’t look it because my skin isn’t all droopy and wrinkly, I don’t have age spots, and I’m very alert. I take vitamins D and E for my skin and since I’m a smoker, I increased those vitamins containing antitoxins, just for good measure.
Now, the body will absorb only just what it wants in the way of vitamin supplements and you’ll pour the rest out in urine but some can be stored up and cause problems, like Vitamin A if you take too much. The same with Ferris sulfate - iron, and niacin and chromium picolate. If you don’t eat much fish, then fish oil supplements are good, having a little digestion problem? Fruit pectin tablets and amino acids help. B-6 gives you energy, and so does B-12, which also helps you mentally.
Sure you can get all of the vitamins you need from a well balanced diet, but in today’s highly stressful and often polluted world, you could use a bit of assistance, especially by taking antioxidants and antitoxins like C and E among others. Especially older folks need some ‘boosters’ like E and D for their thinning skin, among low dosages of others. Why do you think Geritol is popular?
Now, most doctors have no problem with you taking vitamins, many even recommend them, but they don’t want you pouring down tons of them as a magical cure-all because you can actually hurt yourself with megadoses of certain types, like vitamin A.