Memo to My Cat - Pepsi Blue is Not for You!

My ex-roomate’s siamese got a taste for soda because of her ice cube fetish. One day we dropped an ice cube on the kitchen floor by accident and she pounced it. Batted it across the floor with kittenish glee until it melted away. She soon came to recognize the sound of the freezer door opening, and would pout at your feet until one of us caved in and gave her an ice cube to play with.

Sometimes we’d put the cube in her water bowl instead, if we didn’t want to be tripping over a game of cat icecube hockey in the kitchen. One day, she noticed that our drinks had icecubes too, and stuck her face in after them. She must have liked the taste of soda, because she was soon trying to steal a taste of it whether there was ice in it or not.

My oldest cat has a thing for Doritos. She’ll lick the cheese off of one and then nibble the sides daintily until it’s just a soggy mess. And my two younger cats LOVE anything with soy in it - I have had them physically attack me for pieces of veggie burgers before. It hurt.


Our oldest, the cranky Siamese bitch with an attitude, will eat anything that isn’t nailed down, people-food-wise. Potato chips, green beans, buttered biscuits, veggie-burgers, garlic salt, it doesn’t matter. If it’s made for human consumption, it’s good enough for her. You practically need to surround the dinner table with barbed wire and land mines to keep her out of your food.

None of the cats are allowed on the table while people are eating from it, and the other three accept this rule, with various levels of grudging resentment, but you can count on the matriarch to need to be forcibly removed at least once a week. And she’s perfected the Snoopy-Vulture Death Stare, the whole time you’re eating.

Three of the four will beg for handouts while you’re making a sandwich, but the biggest, heaviest, roughest cat in the house? He eats cat food, and that’s the end of the discussion. There are times I don’t think he realises that the stuff we put in our mouths is in fact food, 'cause he’s just not interested.

(In a bizarre, “Just how smart is he” type of twist, he’s the only one prohibited from eating people food, anyway. He developed a urinary tract blockage once, years ago, and is on a strict diet to avoid future problems. Even before that, though, he just never evinced any real interest in people food. Wierd.)

I used to have a cat that was madly in love with beer. She used to climb around on the cases licking the tops of the empties, and once the vet said that it wasn’t going to hurt her, we used to let her drink the dribbles from the bottom of our bottles. She’d lie in our arms like a baby and grab the bottle frantically with her paws and pull it to her mouth.

The cat I have now has no use for any food product that does not have a picture of a cat on the package. You can put any kind of meat or snack or treat in front of him, and he’ll inspect it to see if it might be fun to play with, but doesn’t even take a lick. Before we caught on to what he was doing and started making sure they were put carefully away, plastic bags were his favourite snack. He’d lick and lick and then start taking actual bites out of the bag. His favourite trick was to climb inside one and contentedly gnaw his way out.

What happened to the beer-loving cat, elret? In rehab now? AA?

D & R

Nah, Dogzilla. I’d like to say that my crazy little rebel cat got drunk one day and ran off with the motorcycle riding chihuahua next door, but in fact she broke her leg and had to have it amputated, and then died suddenly of kidney cancer a couple of weeks later. My beer loving uncle died on the very same day, though, so I like to picture the two of them splitting an eternal heavenly 2-4 together somewhere.

At least somebody liked Pepsi-blue.

I have yet to find something my dog won’t eat. She’s a little tentative with banana, but will still eat it. I even tried to keep her out of a plant by rubbing hot sauce on the leaves, and she licked it off!

When I was little, my family had a wire-haired fox terrier that would eat our table scraps. She’d refuse to eat pancakes unless they had syrup on them (having become used to our syrup-covered scraps), though. She would also eat around raisins if she was licking out a cereal bowl, leaving a neat pile of very clean raisins in the bottom. She didn’t even want to go near Jello, not liking that it moved.

My next dog, a spaniel mix, would gobble up carrot and cucumber peelings if we missed the garbage when peeling. It got to the point where occasionally I’d peel a carrot onto the linoleum floor and she’d be eating them up as fast as they’d fall.

Out of the ferrets that I’ve owned, all have liked some kind of people food. All of them have been nuts over raisins, and koolaid or other fruity drinks. Most of them loved red licorice; even opening the bag would lead to them beginning to search frantically as the smell wafted around. Other favorites are soda, beer, wine, salsa, tortilla chips, and tomato-based sauces. Even though they’re carnivores (and eat a heavy-in-meat protein kibble), they don’t seem to like to eat meat, cooked or not. Our current two like a brand of real meat animal feed (freeze-dried meat patties, which can be reconstituted), but turn up their nose at chicken and turkey when I’ve offered it to them.

Perhaps the cat thought it was anti-freeze. I’ve heard that before they changed the formula, cats loved the taste of it, and Pepsi Blue tastes much like anti-freeze to me.

My sister’s dog goes nuts over cauliflower.

I love Pepsi-blue, its just like drinking crushed smurf! Maybe that’s why Dawn likes it and not other soft drinks - she see’s me enjoying it and wants to join in.

I don’t want to do it. I hate Pepsi. I may, however, be forced to start drinking it just for the sheer satisfaction of this image. :eek:

If it’s any consolation Balance it doesn’t taste the same as Pepsi - similar but not the same.