Born 1969, attended Catholic school for 1st and 2nd grade, then from sixth grade until the end of high school.
Elementary school, St. Joseph’s, which has since closed: most of the teachers were lay; the nuns we did have were Franciscans. Other than my first grade teacher, who was evil, and the anal-retentive nun who served as librarian for a while, they were definitely Franciscan. Sweet, sweet ladies, gentle and patient. The only physical punishment I saw was in first grade, and that was indeed from Sister Witchipoo. Discipline was strict, stand up when an adult enters the room, walk in a straight line and no talking, and all that, but the teachers generally had other ways to make kids behave than the Fear of the Ruler.
We attended Mass every First Friday, for the first and last days of school, and any Holy Days that happened to fall on school days. I also remember going to church for the feast days of St Francis of Assisi and St Blaze, and of course we did May Procession.
Girls had uniforms the whole time. Early on they were dark green jumpers with white Peter-Pan collar blouses. Boys had a strict dress code but no uniforms. Just before I returned for sixth grade (after three years at a different school - the school psychologist thought I needed the gifted program which at the time was only open to public school students), the uniform changed. Girls through sixth grade wore plaid jumpers with white Peter-Pan collar blouses; girls in 7th and 8th could wear skirts, pointed collar blouses, and navy blue V-neck sweaters. Boys wore navy blue pants, white shirts, and plaid ties.
High school: Mostly lay teachers, some nuns, a few priests. Mass in the gym on Holy Days and first and last days of school. Uniforms for the girls, plaid skirts, white blouses, navy blue V-necks again; strict dress code for the boys but no uniforms. Discipline was relatively strict, but generally fair.
Really, other than Sister Witchipoo, I don’t have any bad memories or horror stories. I got an okay education in a relatively safe environment. I was picked on a lot, but that also happened in the public school I attended for three years - more a system-wide problem of teachers and others not taking teasing seriously yet than a problem of a specific school. Kind of boring, innit?