Memphis Dopefest?

As far as I can plan things, I will be there. (I have one of those kind of jobs where plans can go out the window at the last minute)

So patio at Rp tracks Saturday 1pm. Do we drift around muttering Cecil’s name to know each other?

Some groups that do events like this will mark the table/gathering point with a few ballons of a specified color/mix. Discrete enough to avoid undue distraction to the business, but easy to spot for those in the know…

So we’ll put sock puppets on the table?

As of right now, I’ll be able to make it, but I won’t know for certain until Friday.

If only I still had that troll doll…

YES, YES! Impaled on a stake!
With a little sign around his neck, “SDMB”.

Gah: hate to do this, but put me down as having a 50-50 chance of attending. :frowning:

(Two issues have cropped up this week, one of which just gives me a lot more to do and little time to do it in, the other forces me to avoid committing to much of anything until I get further word as to what’s going on.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, for the serious Doper there is still Earl’s Truck Stop outside of West Memphis.
Smoking cigarettes on the parking lot. Drinking cheap liquor out of a paper bag. Making rude remarks about the patrons and throwing rocks at those damn pigeons.
We could buy some of those wierd ass postcards “Mosquito-Arkansas State Bird” and mail them to the mods. Signed “You Suck-Cecil”.

Don’t forget the troll doll.

I can come, but it still looks like I’ll need a ride, definitely home, and to Tracks as well would be great.

I’ll plan to show up a bit early, like maybe 12:30, and put a sign reading “Cecil Adams” on the table. If I remember, on Friday I’ll post a link to a photo of myself.

If you’re talking Friday night, I am THERE, dude. Mrs. Jackelope is going out of town, and this sounds like exactly the kind of trouble I enjoy getting into. I’ll bring my BB gun.

percypercy, I’ll be glad to give you a ride; I get the impression we live pretty near each other. My e-mail is in my profile.

I’d like to suggest that the ringleader email everybody his/her cellphone number, so in case someone’s running late, can’t find the right table, or I get lost, they can call someone.

Good thinking; I’ll do that.

…or will I?

Nightsong, adhemar, Oakminster, FaerieBeth, and Skald the Rhymer, your e-mail addresses are hidden; if you want, you can e-mail me and I’ll send you folks my cell number.

I’ve just sent it to Tuckerfan, percypercy, carnivorousplant, and WillSantini. Am I missing anyone?

E-mail sent! I really hope I can make it… I’m going to need the break from what all is going on.

Think an email addy is now available to the teeming 2 or 3 that might possibly want it. Don’t really need the cell number though, as I won’t be able to hit Mempho this weekend :frowning:

I’ll try my best to make it, but I may not be able to stay long. I’ll ring jackelope tomorrow morning.

Jackelope, thanks so much for the work you’ve done arranging this Memphis Dopefest! As I said earlier, upthread, we won’t be able to make it. A couple of things have come up for Saturday :frowning:

I hope we’ll have the opportunity to do this again in the future.

Swap me from a 50-50 chance of attending to a confirmed: managed to get done tonight some of the things I needed to get done this weekend.

ARRRGH! How the heck did I miss this thread???
I’ve been waiting for five years for a Memphis dopefest! No fair! :mad:

Ah well, I probably couldn’t make it anyway unless I took the city bus and brought the kid along.

I want pics, dammit!