Men and Body Shaming

I think the resurgance is at least partly due to the juxtaposotion of its much greater use in places like Australia (where it’s sometimes used contextually in a more light-hearted way), which many Americans find shocking or more often now, amusing or hilarious. So they will tend to emulate it for comidic effect. “Oy, your a right cunt, mate!”

Yeah, I had considered that reddit has more of an international population, and I don’t think it’s considered as offensive in other English - speaking countries. But I’ve had women in the UK push back on that notion, so I dunno.

I’d never blame women for the stupid, stupid shit they get from men. Fuck those stupid men with sideways, barbed.wired dildos through their urethras.
I would, however, blame women on giving shit to women, like they didn’t get enough crap from men.

Yeah, I’m not excusing the women either. Thanks for clarifying your position.

I think you should work on that self-hatred thing. Everybody’s got different tastes, and believe me, the desire to screw something tall is very far from universal in womankind. Lots of sexy short dudes out there. Maybe become one of them.

I’ve always preferred men on the shorter side. I’m not especially tall myself (if I really stretch I can maybe get up to 5’3"), and taller guys feel hulkish to me, Not to say I’d automatically reject a tall man, but it’s not who I’m usually drawn to.

Also have to point out that women, by and large, do not really care what size a man’s penis is. It is men who obsess over it and compare theirs with others’. If women mock men’s penises it is just because they know how easy it is to yank their chains that way, not because they have much personal interest in the matter.

I have a long history of attraction to short men. I’m also 5’3" ish. It’s just so much easier being face to face with someone.

Some other English-speaking countries. It’s pretty offensive across the board in South Africa. I’m sure Canada too.

It’s not okay to shame men. Sorry that you feel rejected and judged for superficial shit out of your control.

Both men and women are body shamed, but I think the way they are shamed differ in ways worth discussing. People are more likely to underestimate the sting associated with teasing men, so an insensitive comment here, a crass joke there aren’t jaw dropping offenses. Men aren’t supposed to be vain, you see. They aren’t supposed to care about their looks because their value comes from other sources.

Tease a woman about her cankles and you might trigger water works. Not just because women are supposedly more emotional/can’t take a joke/whatever, but because a woman with cankles is widely seen as a Very Bad Thing. There is a lot of value in having the right kind of ankles, and it’s a tragedy when that doesn’t happen. This is the message that society hits us over the head with so hard we don’t even consciously feel it.

Tease a man about his height and the expectation is that he’ll come back within snappy rejoinder. Because men are supposed to be tough, and they are also supposed to be well-rounded enough to not let a few inches destroy his worth to the world. He can overcome falling short of handsomeness standards, because handsomeness has never been the sole criterion for determining male worth. This is another the message we’re programmed to believe.

The above obviously overly simplifies a lot, but I believe this explains your perception of differences between men and women.

I’ve been asking myself what, if anything, is the social criterion for male worth, and my best guess is his career. Maybe there are other ways men are valued by society, but it seems to me fulfilling the provider role is a big part of it. That’s why so many men fall into despair when they are unemployed.

I agree being a provider matters a lot.

Thinking on this, (and this is going to sound awful), I suspect the primary criterion is the man’s ability to “get some”. Being unemployed is bad because it impacts that (or is assumed to). Having a small penis is bad because it impacts that (or is assumed to). Being short is bad because it impacts that (or is assumed to). Being bad at fighting is bad because it impacts that (or is assumed to). Being a nerd (even a high-paid nerd) is bad because it impacts that (or is assumed to).

Heck, I’ll point at pop culture for evidence. What does the guy get in the end as a reward? A high-paying job? Well, sometimes, but also “the girl”. Even if the guy is an unemployed sack of crap, he “gets the girl” and all is well.

What does it take to make anyone here happy?

Fat, tall, short, skinny, ugly, big dicked, attractive, tight pusseyed, tiny dicked, sloppy pusseyed, acne plagued, homophobic, religiously straight, transvestite, cancer plagued, handy caped, teen ager, senior citizen, sports figure, average person, factory worker, movie star, have I missed any? They are all out there bumping uglies on a regular basis.

Quit whining and get over your hang-ups… and get you some!

Nobody cares what your issures are, except you.

I just noticed this part of your post. You aren’t ugly. I mean, maybe you are, but it’s certainly not because you are short. I understand that a lot of women find “tall” to be sexy. (I’m not one of them, but I know a lot who are.) But I’ve actually never heard anyone opine that short men are ugly. And “hot” and “ugly” aren’t really even in the same dimension. Like, puppies and butterflies aren’t sexually appealing to many adult humans, but only a weirdo would call them “ugly”.

I know a lot of short men, including a transman who is about 5’ tall, and a guy who got sick as a child and never grew properly and is about 5’2". They are all people who are pleasant to look at. They are neatly groomed, have attractive facial features, and the two I just described both have a lot of energy and have engaging personalities and are people I really enjoy hanging out with.

Please don’t think you are ugly because you are short.

I’m 6’ and my penis around 2 inches longer than average, at least based on data I’ve seen. I’m above average in body composition. I’ve been bodyshamed. My experience with women (though limited, since I guess I’m not attractive regardless of any statistical advantages) is that when she’s happy it’s the biggest ever and when she’s done/leaving it’s tiny. if you are muscular, then you aren’t ripped enough. If you are ripped then you aren’t massive enough. If your penis is long, it could be thicker. If it’s straight as an arrow, it’s missing the perfect curve (I recently came across some article/video about how THIS is the perfect penis shape and anything less you might as well be dickless). If your arms are big, why is your chest so average? Your calves are nice, but where are your traps? You are handsome, but your chin could protrude 3 more mms, and your cheekbones aren’t prominent enough, and so on.

Body Shaming is an issue and there’s enough out there to mess with your head to make anyone insecure. The short man thing, I see a lot of online. There are lonely men who tell me since I’m a 6’ tall white man with a healthy BMI that I should be swimming in women, and they would kill to be me. But I’m the loneliest person I’ve ever known. There are people who are convinced that their lives were over before they began because they don’t possess some arbitrary minimum physical measurement. And there are certainly women (though not just women) who will use your insecurities to torture you. For example, let’s say you have a big penis but for whatever reason you’ve always been insecure. You meet a woman who becomes your GF and you are completely vulnerable. You break up (probably after she cheats on you, tbh) then she goes around making comments to you or through indirect channels about how small your dick is or you were premature or any other reason you are supposedly worthless as a man and no other women should date you. Happens all the time.

Off topic, but is this some weird Aussie usage of the British word or an American that doesn’t know how to use the word “wanker” properly?

Should he have said “wankee”? :smiley:

All I know is if you only suck average-sized penises, then you could accurately say you suck a mean dick.

Ha! That was definitely worth the thread bump.