Men and Body Shaming

Oh my god dude. Are you for real? Did you even watch the Robin Williams skit?

“Does anybody remember laughter?”

I don’t think it’s cool. Sorry.

I was very specifically responding to the “small dick” remark, and you’re answering to the short height, which I wasn’t responding to. I’m not sure why you’re hung up on guys ribbing other guys about the size of their dicks. You said in the OP you consider your own to be within the range of average. Actually, I don’t know why I’m even responding to such an overwrought post in the first place. Everyone knows body-shaming is wrong, and the people who do it are jerks. News at 11.

I’ve become more sensitive to that word than I used to be, because I have seen a huge resurgence in the casual use of it on reddit, and it weirds me out that so many people apparently consider it just fine. I thought it was a dying slur, but apparently not.

I like your username BTW.

From the OP:

Thanks for the funny!

Once the rest of the thread is fleshed out, I would say it was a swing and a miss.

Apparently, as much as some try to deny it, men have to “man up” and take the shaming. It’s our punishment for being men. Or some shit like that.

In my experience, women are far worse than men in body-shaming other women.

I don’t want to hijack the thread, but I’ve hated that word since the first time I heard it when I was a 10 or 11 yr old little girl. Luckily, I’ve heard it rarely throughout my life. Couldn’t authors find a prettier, more poetic description?

Thanks for the compliment! I’m glad it wasn’t already taken.

Hopefully, your penis was unscathed.

Don’t worry, it can take a beating.

That’s funny, I don’t think fat women are frequently followed by gangs of women shouting slurs and throwing shit at them. And, again, I spend a lot of time on reddit, where men body - shaming women is practically a non - sequitur.


“All wives matter.”

“Except for the fat ones.”

So. Fucking. Funny.

ETA: Not that some women don’t reinforce the patriarchy. They totally do, because they’ve been taught all their lives that their only value is in their appearance and the only way they know to measure that is relative to other women.

And is a result of DEEP insecurity compounded by the body-shaming…from men.

Maybe, if you left reddit and went to the real world you’d see a different thing.Most fat women I know are more worried about the female friends telling them what (not) to wear or eat than men. Women shred other women to pieces. The men who do it may be even more savage, but women are nastier by number of events.

I’m sure that, as a man, you have a much better understanding of the issues than I do.

Not my world or experience in the slightest.

And Spice Weasel, you said so well what I desperately wanted to but couldn’t stop sputtering long enough to find the words. Facing clueless privilege is like that for me. Props to you!

I’m sure that you as a woman (or at least, I imagine, non-man), you have a much better understanding of the issues than I do.

Correct. I’m not denying that women shame other women, but the answer is patriarchy either way you slice it.

Any way, this thread is about body shaming men, which is wrong, so let’s not do that.

“When everything else fails, just say patriarchy!!!eleven!!!, it’s the answer when you don have anyhting to say” is that how you think arguments work?

My experience is that, my experience, that’s wh I call it “my experience.”

See, what it sounds like you’re doing in this thread is trying to blame women for the mountain of bullshit that women face because of power structures that benefit men. If I’m reading you wrong, let me know.

It’s been a long road to get to the place where I can engage in these discussions without internally losing my shit. I suspect a lot of women are affected by trauma which makes it so much harder for us to engage with people who are ignorant of the issues we face. Now that I’ve resolved a lot of that trauma, I find myself giving fewer and fewer fucks by the day.


I’m 6’1" and during my early years it was an advantage for lots of reasons, but by time I reached midlife I realized the smaller guys have the edge. The smaller stature is so much easier for wear and tear on the body. The older guys I know that are vital and play aggressive tennis into their 70’s and beyond are generally small. We bigger guys have been struggling with bad knees, plantar fasciitis, and aches and pains since our 40’s.

As far as penis size and other male attributes go it’s fair game these days, particularly for white males. All you have to do is watch an episode of “Full Frontal” with Samantha Bee to experience that.