"Men are getting weaker" and 60s entertainment


The quote was “yes. men get pissed off and defensive whenever someone suggests they shouldn’t be in charge of everything”, and then Exapno Mapcase doubled down by saying “They sure do. Loudly. All the time.”

Phrasing matters, doesn’t it? YMMV. but to me this seems deliberately provocative and designed to short circuit a conversation rather than starting one. If what you mean is “a lot of men” or “some men” or “most men” or “the traditional expectations of the male role in patriarchal western society” you’d say that, or clarify when asked. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Exapno Mapcase meant that at all. “Sure” and “loudly” and “all” are strong, purposeful words, and I think they mean exactly what they seem to mean.

And while I get your distinction between things that groups do and things that groups are under pressure to do, there’s no fucking way I’d ever dream of saying “Blacks worry that dating a white person is on some level a betrayal of their people”, and I kind of suspect that outside of a hypothetical on an anonymous message board you wouldn’t either.

Very interesting observation, especially the bolded part. While reading it I was thinking that we’ve changed quite a lot since then, based on the persecution of young black men in our society, but then it occurred to me that we got a black male president before a white female president. But speaking as a white woman, that doesn’t bother me at all. The only white female presidential candidate at the time, simply wasn’t as good a choice to lead the country (in my opinion). When we get one, I wouldn’t hesitate to vote for her. Just like I voted for Obama because I felt he was better than Clinton.

Some of this attitude persists today. A couple years ago we had some friends over, a married couple. For whatever reason, they got to haranguing me about why I married my husband. Because he is reliable and takes care of me? No, I have a well paying career and can take care of myself. Because he can help me care for children? Nope, neither of has has or wants kids. They kept on with the usual suggestions that I NEEDED him, all of which I explained how I didn’t NEED him. I simply WANTED him. They wouldn’t let up until we got to the suggestion that I married him for his dick. Not the case, although it’s definitely one of his “charms”. I don’t know why it’s so hard for some people to understand that you can choose to share your life with a specific person merely because you love him and want him. Men aren’t going to disappear from obsolescence. That idea is based on the idea that we all have to use each other and if the other person isn’t useful to you, there’s no sense in marrying him. That’s offensive to me. I love him because I like and respect him. No other ulterior motives.

Black men also got the vote before white (or any) women, too, so if nothing else Obama sort of follows a timeline.

Yes, it is, when it’s phrased that way.

But that isn’t what you said.

It’s the difference between claiming all blacks are criminals and claiming that there are malign subtexts in media marketed to blacks which glorify criminality. The first is about the people, the second is about the society.

Yes, again, it is, for the same reasons as above.

If you’re talking about society, talk about society. Otherwise, it’s bigotry, and we don’t want it here.

Trying to cover yourself with social sciences is disgusting. They are real, they are spectacular, and they refute every single one of your bigoted assertions.