Men: Do you EVER do what you say you're going to do?

If I recall correctly, no penis is involved in this one.

Anastasaeon, currently possessed by Freud. (Am I on the right track, saoirse?)


When I see your name I associate it with obnoxious and maybe a little stand-offish.

Does your attitude change if maybe even just a little bit when these guys ask you out? Do you chomp at the bit for these guys to let you down?

If so, this vibe may be comming through with out you even realizing it.

My advice: Be more apathetic.
You asked for brutal so there it is. My opinion only of course.

Er, SHAKES, she asked for honest, but not brutal.

I **do **say that I’ll do things and then forget about them. Even when I’m genuinely interested. I’m involved with so many things that I just forget to call. After some time has passed, I feel it would be creepy to just ring out of the blue, or that having not called when I said I would, I won’t get a second chance. So I don’t. Nine times out of ten, it says more about me than her.

On the other hand, not everyone I flirt with is someone I’d necessarily like to date. Flirting has a lot of other social functions, especially at work; say for stress release or getting to know coworkers, or for finding a middle ground between personal and water-cooler type talks. Besides, some people’s normal attitude is misconstrued as flirting. So, an “I’ll call you” that gets a too warm response may just never materialise.

Normally, I’d be considerate. But if it was some idiot who was prone to making dumb generalizations about 3 billion of the world’s people, then I’d consider that I’d all ready wasted too much time on the bitch.

Actually no. He said it symbolized fellatio. You kiss the frog, and he turns into a prince. That really works, too. Honest.

Did they agree?

Oh good grief.

Back to the original topic: If I promise something, I do it. Period. What’s a guy good for, if you can’t count on him?

Ha - penis DOES ensue!

Indeed - I totally had “kissing the frog” associated with autocunnilingus. Penis sold separately.


Rubbit rubbit

I haven’t read all the responses yet, but have to agree wholeheartedly with this one.

No Fishing in the Company Pond
No Exceptions

I disagree, there’s nothing inherently wrong with meeting people through work. It’s more of a problem if it’s a person you have to see every single day, work with every day, and will for the next 5 years. It’s even a bigger problem if one of the people is in a managerial position over the other, all sorts of issues. But just two random worker bees hooking up, not that big a deal.

That said, being more apathetic will help, really. At least at this “stage” of the relationship. If a person is honestly interested in you, and isn’t a total flake, it’s easy to set up a date. If it feels like pulling teeth, something is wrong! I would hazard a guess that very few people would skip out on a date with a desired person for random event.

When it starts to feel like you’re trying to hammer into a person’s exceedingly tight schedule, they’re just not into you. Paris Hilton’s clubbing schedule would suddenly vanish into ether if she met a guy she wanted to date. Even forgetful guys don’t forget when he’s got a date with a hot chick.

Maybe there’s a good reason he flaked on you, but if it happens more than once, in rapid succession, he’s just not interested.