I mean, seriously, do you? No fibbing. When you tell a woman that you’re going to do something, what are the odds that you’re actually going to do it?
Yes, I’m a bit bitter, thanks to some recent unfortunate dating experiences. I got two dates in with the first guy, but after deciding we’d make better friends, he freaks out on me, then calls me two days later, drunk. That was the end of Guy #1.
Guy #2 catches me off guard at work, asking if I’d go out with him “sometime.” When I paused remembering my last experience dating someone at work, he said, “Just think about it. I’ll pay for everything, pick you up, the whole nine yards,” to which I reply, “Sure, give me a call,” and I give him my number.
Two weeks later, he still hasn’t called. We had several flirtatious exchanges in between that time, so I figured he was just busy. Then, a week later he comes up to me and says, “Yeah, I moved to nights, so I go in late and come home after 2, so, uh, …” So he’s taking back his offer, apparently. Absolutely classless.
Guy #3 has some potential. We’ve been flirting with each other for weeks, and he seems genuinely interested. He was giving me an exceedingly hard time the other morning, so I pretended to be upset with him, saying, “You’ll have to do something nice for me now, to make up for that. I’ll let you decide what it is.”
The next day I come into work and he says with a sly smile, “I’ve decided what nice thing I’m going to do for you: I’m going to let you take me out for breakfast.”
I reply, “Um, you know, I’ll have to think on that one for a while,” to which he says, “Ok, and I’ll take you on a long motorcycle ride up in the mountains.”
“You’re on,” I say, and I assume we have a date.
Saturday morning when I come in to work, I ask him what time we’re meeting on Monday and where. He says, “I was kidding about you buying me breakfast. I’ll take you for a long ride and then we can do anything you want to do.”
“Anything?” I ask him. “Anything,” he says with a smile. “Great, I get off at 9 a.m. and can meet you up here at 10 a.m. Will that work?” He answers with a question: “Are you working Sunday morning?” I tell him yes, and he says he’ll let me know then.
So, I come in Sunday morning at 8:05, and apparently he got off work at 8. Did he look up my schedule to see when I’d be in Sunday? No. Did he leave a message for me about Monday? No. Did he leave his number so I could call him? Again, no. And Monday was his day off, so I wouldn’t be seeing him at work.
I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he’s a good guy, he’ll either find a way to contact me (he has access to my number/address at work) or he’ll just show up at 10 a.m. Monday.
Well 10 a.m. Monday came and went, and there’s no sign of him. He didn’t call in a message, either.
I realize our date wasn’t etched in stone, but he set it for Monday, not me, and was just going to confirm the time.
Am I out of line in thinking we had plans for Monday? Shouldn’t he have left a message for me at work? All he had to do was call, and he knew I had no way to reach him.
Guys, what would you have done? And Gals, would you feel the way I do?