Men: Who is circumcised?

17 and complete. Born in China.

Now there’s a concept! Sounds good to me…:wink:

Sigh I can’t wait for Mr Bear to get home…


My father was circed due to a lot of infections and such as a kid, so they had me and my brothers done to avoid the same problems.

As to the “horrific” argument. My sons Dad insisted, so I made him watch. He came out of the room pale and sweating and swore he would never have it done to anyone else, ever again. I guess seeing them strap down his infant son and cut on him without the benefit of any sort of pain meds changed his mind…permanently!!

It must be cultural.

27, Live & Uncut, The Netherlands.

Pipefitter said it is the Catholic thing to do? Well, it isn’t over here, for example. I was raised catholic.
Here, boys are circumsized when they’re Jewish, or when they’re experiencing hygiene problems.

But to do it to EVERY little kid seems, I don’t know, somewhat overdone. After all, I’ve survived for 27 years, right?

The bit about cut men getting more head certainly is completely irrelevant on this side of the pond :wink:

Well, modesty keeps me from posting them to the board, but you can find photos here:

I bet that came in handy.


Got it done when I was a baby. Parents did it because well, it was the thing to do (and probably because the docs said it was hygenic). Same with my two brothers. I think it would be nice to have the entire package, but well, i like me as I am, so I wouldn’t go back :). Although I hear it’s less of a hassle to be cut if you get into piercings.

Our pediatrician used a local anesthetic on Nicky when they did him. I never noticed him seem upset about it or anything… it was red when I would change the little gauze and vaseline on the tip, but that was just for a few days… I don’t think he really noticed. It was probably about as traumatic as when they pricked his foot for the blood sample.

Same here with my 2 kids. We did a lot of research before we decided to have it done for our kids. What we found was that there are ALMOST next to no health risks to have it done, but there are definately SOME health risks if you don’t (mainly due to hygene). So we decided, why bother with all the hygene stuff when the risks for doing it are so low?

Me, 31, Circumsized, MI.

36, Nope, Canada.

32, New York City, former guest of honor at a bris.

36; cut, but still a cut above; Georgia

You are all a bunch of freaks! I don’t know why you have gone to the trouble of being cut when you can just shed it like a reptile. It worked well for me.

36, cut, Texas

40, cut, Idaho.

Oh, and Voguevixen, if you want proof, come to Idaho! :wink:

Why in the hell did I just sit here and read all of these? This is more information than I need about people that I don’t even know what their “faces” look like. I really need to get a life.

standing arms akimbo, hips thrust out provocatively

30, born VT & raised NH… uncut and kickin’ butt!

pirate laugh Har-har-har-harrrrrrrrr!!!


When I was pregnant (before we knew it was a girl), I told my husband that I was leaving the decision up to him since I couldn’t presume to understand a man’s relationship with his penis.

Him: It’s best if a boy looks like his father.

Me: So that’s a good reason?

Him: Fine. YOU doom our child to a life without blowjobs. I’ll let you handle it when he ask me why women don’t like to suck his dick.

Needless to say, if we ever have a boy, he’s getting snipped. I don’t know if it’s true, but better safe than sorry.