Men's Magazines: MAXIM vs. BIZARRE

Ok, MAXIM has some good articles on exploitation flicks every once in a while. They also have mainstream actresses posing in PG-13 bikini poses. Not to mention, they have so many friggin’ ads that it’s the Vouge magazine of men’s rags. And the insultingly pedantic self-help columns are truly a step down.

Conversely, BIZARRE has interesting alternative articles about serial killers, train wrecks, and weird current events. But the mag is so awash in angry British slang that it’s enough to put even the most altie-Amerikan into a state of alienation. Not to mention the fact that that all those Mondo-style gore pics are only appreciated by the 14-year-old blood freaks.
That said, if I had to choose one over the other, I pick BIZARRE. But I’m not subscribing to either of them.

Your thoughts?


While they may have a lot of ads, at least it is for cool stuff.(Generally speaking)

And the women are certainly easy on the eyes.

Plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Morons!
~And I know I wasn’t right, but it felt so good… -Better Than Ezra


For the simple reason that, of the two magazines presented, it was the one that did not have an article on men who cut off their own genitalia, complete with a do-it-yourself guide which, in turn, came complete with pictures.

Ok, I admit to not having read BIZARRE… But WTF?

What was the point of this article?

Is that the same Bizarre which used to do all the great bondage art? Taschen books shot to the top of my publishers list for re-printing all that warped stuff.

Maxim? that’s the magazine that’s like Playboy, but doesn’t show anything, right? Pul-eeeze!

Give me Playboy or Mad over either of those two!

What about FHM (For Him Magazine). It’s like Maxim but with a different cover.

They must have made a deal with Konami, because there’s FHM posters all over Metal Gear Solid 2 with scantily clad women. I especially like the girl in her underwear on the poster by the node in the kitchen.

Seems like they’re trying to be Maxim. Are they any good?

If you’re gonna see nekked wimmen bein’ naughty, you might as well go all the way – toss out that Playboy and go with Hustler, at a minimum.

But yeah, the only reason Maxim exists is for thirteen-year-olds who want to pretend they’re reading Playboy

Wait a minute … are you saying Maxim and FHM are actually two different magazines?

If anything, it’s the opposite. Maxim started after FHM.

They are about on a par. Still chasing the cheesy ‘lads’ market.

A magazine that beats the both of them is “Later” magazine. The only downside is, I can’t find a web page for them. They too feature good photosets but the articles are vastly superior.

WRT the OP, I don’t quite see how you can compare Maxim and Bizarre. They cater for different markets. The fact that they may occasionally feature articles that overlap is almost incidental.
My 0.02 euros. :slight_smile:

The porn for men who are too timid to buy real porn! (John Stewart paraphrase)

I would have to say Maxim for sure. I like the articles better than the Bizarre articles. Incidently I believe the former editor in chief (dennis something) worked for FHM. I seem to recall in one of my earlier additions that the Maxim people gave props to FHM.
I still like and collect Bizarre magazine. It’s a welcomed change from the mudane mags.

My favorite men’s magazine has always been Scientific American. Although they’ve been slipping somewhat these past few years.

I like Maxim and Loaded. They’ve got laddish humour. Loaded is a bit harder to understand because of the emphasis on soccer and the accent. Both make me laugh out loud. The models in bikinis are nice, but its the humour which gets me buying them.

(Deja vu: “Honestly, I read it for the articles…”)

Sorry, but Maxim and Bizarre? what do they have in common anyway? they’re both men’s mags?

while we’re at it, lets compare hamburgers to haute cuisine or apples to pears

Some people “like” gore. It’s not that they get off on it, but it’s amazing. You’re never exposed to it, it’s just intriguing. And sad too.

If you can get this mag of the shelves, that would bother me

My theory is that they wanted their readers to chop their weewees off so there would be less competition for the hot British(?) chicks. Either that, or they were just doing their part to clean out the gene pool…

i have only picked up a bizarre magazine once in my lifetime, but the time i did, there just happened to be a nice how-to article on how to make good porno movies. that cracked me up, good pics too. but i don’t really care for either magazine: maxim because i’m not 13 years old, and bizarre because of the weird bondage crap.