Men's Pants Pockets

This is about the side pockets, not the back ones. For the past few decades or so, I’ve had this ongoing problem with them. Basically, the problem is the fact that the openings are more or less vertical, so that when I sit down, it’s like taking a box and turning it on its side – essentially, whatever’s in them tends to fall out. I’ve learned the habit, over the years, of physically pushing the bottom of the pocket downwards whenever I sit down, which usually works. But I don’t always remember, with the result that I’ve lost an uncounted amount of change, and I periodically discover that my cell phone is missing – fortunately, it’s usually down the side of my car seat, as that seems to be the place where the effect is most extreme. I don’t lose my keys, as they form a bulky, immobile mass in the pocket – it’s just the thin, slippery stuff like coins and cell phone.

So my questions are:

  1. Does anyone else have this problem?

  2. WHY do they make pockets in such a STUPID ASS WAY???!!??!?!

  3. I don’t remember this happening when I was younger (say, in college, in the 70s). Have pocket styles changed, or have I?

Thank you for listening.

Yes, don’t know, and don’t know.

A former GF used to crack up every time I sat or laid down, as I would spurt out coins like I was distributing wealth to the masses. Whenever I got up there’d be a little pool of coins under my butt.

I used to have pants like that. I specifically stopped wearing them for that express reason. The reason (as you’ve no doubt discovered) is the fact that the pocket itself is stitched to the side of the pant leg, which follows the contour of the pants. Once you sit down, the pocket’s essentially on its side.

Real pants have pockets that hang loose. Time to buy new trousers, I’d think :slight_smile:

This. One of the reasons I wear Levis almost exclusively. I have also discovered that a gel-type cell phone case will “stick” to your pocket and prevent loss due to pocket mis-alignment.

Well, the pockets in the pants I’m wearing right now hang loose, but they tend to stay in position as I sit down. I’ll have to check my other pairs – perhaps there are one or two culprits that are tarnishing the reputation of all.

When you say ‘side’ pockets, do you mean the ones 1/2 way down the leg on cargo shorts/pants, or front pockets?

If by front, I guess all of my pockets hang loose, independent of the outer material/seam, because I never have that problem.

Better yet, coat your pockets with Vaseline to prevent the contents from falling out.

The downside is that your dollar bills will no longer feed properly in vending machines, but you shouldn’t eat that crap anyway.


Will strippers still take them? That’s all that really matters.

Strippers now take your pants?

I’ve always had the OP’s problem with suit and dress pants, or Dockers, or anything like that. What makes it worse is that I’ve always been reluctant to put my wallet in my back pocket, because that soon causes a little hole to appear next to the pocket opening.

But it wasn’t always thus. Many, many moons ago, not only were such trousers usually considerably tighter and worn higher on the waist, but also the front pockets were often shaped a little bit more like jean pockets, so you didn’t lose stuff so easily

How do you guys outside the U.S. deal with this problem in regard to coins? If we lose a dime or a quarter it’s not much, but that’s about all we have. OTOH it must be a major annoyance to lose Twonies or pound coins or Euros or what have you. A couple of those could be your lunch money.

I imagine the worst must be losing that Japanese ¥500 coin that’s worth seven or eight bucks.

My brother’s traveled to Japan on business several times, and he said most men carry a coin purse.

OK, upon close inspection of my pants, I have discovered that the norm seems to be that the top 1" - 2" of the pocket is stitched to the pant leg, and the remaining 5" or so hangs loose. So, are these “real” pants or not? I would hate to be walking around wearing imaginary pants.

I usually wear jeans so this is not a problem. But when I am dressy, I have a small pouch where I stuff the coins. It is amazing how many coins you collect in a short time in Japan, if you dont use card based payment (Edy, Suica and the like)

Men in Japan don’t just carry coin purses–they carry bags. When I was living in Japan, I once left the house without a purse because I was wearing a jacket with large pockets, and all the Japanese friends I was going out with were completely flabbergasted that I wasn’t carrying a bag.

My solution to your pocket problem: stop carrying stuff in your hip pockets! There’s no way to secure them, it warps the line of your pants, and it puts extra wear on the material if you habitually carry a bulky item like a cellphone or a wallet in the same pocket all the time.

I hate those pockets. You can’t even carry a knife properly with them.

So, where are we supposed to carry stuff? I’m neither a metrosexual nor Indiana Jones, so carrying around a bag, satchel, or purse is an unsuitable option.

A folding knife should be discretely clipped into the waistband so that you can stun all the rubes by making it magically appear in your hands. A fixed blade knife should be carried in a sheath on your ankle (or to the outer thigh if you are wearing a kilt). Didn’t you learn this in man-class?


The more men who carry bags, the more socially acceptable it will be. Help strike down the oppressers who are trying to limit you to clearly inferior pockets! :smiley:

Messenger bags can look nice and manly. Harder to pull off if you’re anywhere past your early 30s, though.

Jack Bauer carries a bag and he’s more of a man then you all will every be!

He’s fictional and the entire world thinks he’s going to destroy the world in some shape even after he’s saved it umpteen times. No dice.