Why is it that womens shirts and pant button one way, and mens button the other? It is also said that men should wear a belt in a counter clockwise fasion, while women do the opposite. Please help me, for I am at a loss!
Cecil addresses the shirt issue in his column called Why do men’s and women’s shirts button on different sides?
Welcome, Skeptic! It’s always a good idea to search the archives before asking a question. It’s truly amazing the questions Cecil has answered over the years.
Livin’ on Tums, vitamin E and Rogaine
Silly me, I always thought it was so the laundry would send the shirts/blouses back to the correct person.
Maybe 'cause Mars rotates one way and Venus the other.
Ray (Do women’s watches go counterclockwise?)
Lemme derail this into something I don’t THINK Cece has addressed: Why the great disparity in price/quality between men’s and women’s clothing?
Take shoes, for example. A woman can spend, oh, $150, on a pair of snappy high-heeled slingback pumps, which will last her about one season before they’re ready for the dumpster.
On the other hand, I may invest three hundred bucks or so on a pair of solid brogans. THESE shoes will last me ten years, tromping around the hard, cold, bitter streets of Manhattan. When their allotted time is up, I can take them to the friendly neighborhood shoeman to have new soles put on them, or just wear them while pottering in the garden.
Why don’t women get more pissed off about this situation?
Also Ike, please note that the laundry/dry cleaners is this area and I believe most other places charge more for a womans blouse than they do for a mans shirt.
They say it’s because the blouses are all different and require more processing time.
Sounds a little suspect to me. It really pisses my wife off in any case.
Whoo hoo, one I actually know. This is because (I heard) men used to be dressed by manservants and their shirts button that way to make it easier for another person to button it. Women’s shirts used to button up the back so it was never a big deal.
The real reason: it makes it easier for us guys to unbutton women as we stand face-to-face with them
Designated Optional Signature at Bottom of Post
Good Lord! Where the HELL do you buy shoes??!?! I’ve never paid more than $30 for a pair of shoes in my entire life, and I have a few pairs that are 10+ years old!
“Open up! It’s the pigs!”
Gee, well. Iguess thanks…For all your wonderful insight.
Um, the Coriolis effect?
Okay, vv, $150 was an overestimate.
Just checked with the ball-and-chain, who informs me that her average pair of work-shoes costs her around a hundred bucks. Operational for only about a year.
These are Manhattan prices.