Merry Fucking Easter!

Just thought I’d check in and mention that Jesus, if he ever existed, wasn’t supernatural and his corpse has long since degraded to dust. And like all of us, upon death his consciousness dissolved into oblivion and ended utterly and permanently.

He ain’t coming back, you people are wasting your lives in a pathetic delusion.

But please, by all means, keep hanging your “He is Risen” banners on the overpasses of our fair city. I’m sure you got the necessary permits to place them on public property.

Someone had an empty Easter basket this morning, huh?

He is risen!!!

Also, go fuck yourself. :smiley:

Good point. Jesus was really no different from you.

Well, except that people wept when he died. And he still has a sizable fan base two thousand years later, instead of being immediately forgotten.

What a dick.

As an atheist, I don’t want you on my team.

His fans have no conception of what the actual man was like. They are in love with the *idea *of Jesus. It’s still a delusion, but a happy one.

Not one person on Earth has a mote of emotion for the historical Jesus.

And asides, I’m not dead yet, maybe I’ll gain a death-cult full of rubes too.

Sadly, it isn’t a team. We are only joined by something we don’t think. That said, I’m primarily pissed about hanging religious signage on a public overpass. Hang it from your building if you want to.

Ah, the OP is an asshole.

Happy Easter folks, may it be emotionally satisfying and spiritually rewarding.

No one in their right mind will go against your encyclopedic knowledge of assholery.

Or, conversely, enjoy some chocolate eggs.

the lord is risen!!!

he is risen indeed!!!


As a related topic, but a bit off-track, I noticed Sai Baba died today. My brother believes in him and has for the last 40 years. Did I mention my brother and I aren’t speaking much the last 40 years? :slight_smile:

My reaction as well.

Give it three days before you make any judgments about Baba’s divinity.

See post #7.

If it gets your panties all in a bunch, then call the cops.

That is a good point. But I noticed it while driving, I have no idea what street it’s on. I’d have to retrace my route and it’s far to drizzly to go back outside again.

Instead my panties will unbunch with the gentile thumb-and-forefinger that is The Pit.

It’s interesting that the OP is not just an asshole, but a stupid son of a bitch… to the point where Easter decorations on public property don’t elicit a comment about the necessity of church and state, but a generalized “Fuck Easter and your silly religious views too!” rant.

Stupid people aren’t necessarily so bad, but stupid people who’ve decided to be assholes are somewhat less ignorable.

While I do not agree with the sentiments expressed by the OP in general (even though I’m an atheist), I am massively pissed off at some local celebrants this morning. I got to bed at about 3 AM last night after a night out. At 5:30 AM I was awakened by booming hyper-amplified music from a “sunrise service” put on a couple blocks away by what sounded like evangelicals. It wasn’t even joyful music, but solemn and dreary. And that gave way to an hour-long ranting sermon, also delivered at full amplified volume. More “music” and shouting went on for two and a half hours. I was finally able to get back to sleep at 8 AM. This is a high-density residental neighborhood of high-rise aparment buildings; I’m sure these assholes woke up thousands of people before daylight.

If you want to have your dawn celebration, fine, but go do it in a non-residential neighborhood. There are city parks well away from houses here where they could have done their thing while showing a little consideration for their neighbors.


Hey Finn old buddy, are you ready to apologize to me for your insane reaction to my mentioning your repeatedly making anti-Semite accusations?

Religious views *are *silly by the way. In any case, you should consider converting, because I read on an overpass that Jesus is back.

I agree utterly.

With intellect, I can figure out how to make a better world for my brother to live in. With love, I know why I want to.

So, did the Pope see his shadow this morning? Is there six more weeks of Lent?