Merry Fucking Easter!

So do we add Arianism to de-clawing cats as SMDB heresies?

I guess I’ve become another atheist bitch because I fully agree with the OP. Wouldn’t have ten years ago but he has a point. It’s frustrating as hell, doubly trying to explain to my six year old yesterday the reason for the dead man hanging in front of the church around the corner.

I’m sick of it all. I don’t want to see that shit but I have to and I have to do it without complaining, otherwise all the super cool atheists won’t let me in the club.

Well, I would let you join my club, but…I am so not super cool that you probably would not want to. Besides which, it’s a club of one, which makes it even less cool and appealing. So, it’s kind of not even a club at all - yet!

I need members!


And conservatives complain about having to explain gay couples to their kids.

Maybe some people shouldn’t be parents if their world collapses under the weight of having to explain things to their kids.

Not helpful advice when you happen to homosexual or an atheist or in need of an abortion or divorce and the society you are in decides you need to be punished and suffer for your sins.

You seem to be suggesting a shrug of the shoulders, a rueful grin and then skip on down the road to the beat of your on drum.

How does one “move on regardless” when even you gender or sexuality condemns you to a lesser quality of life?

You beat me to it.

There are things you can control, and things you can’t. Stressing over the things you can’t control is pointless. Other people’s religion or sexual orientation are two of the things you can’t control.

My only regret is that it will be another year before I can buy Cadbury’s Cream Eggs.:frowning:

Yes, I’m just a horrible horrible mother for being at a loss for words as to why a statue of a dead guy hanging on two crossed sticks is something some people celebrate every year.

I’ll see your :rolleyes: and raise you two :rolleyes::rolleyes:. With a side of :dubious:

I’m not trying to CONTROL anything. I’m complaining. GOD FORBID (ha!) an atheist complain about the popular religion.

Well, it is a unique problem that no one in the history of mankind has ever faced before, and so there is no guide to help you, no precedent to follow. You have that going for you!

That church LYNCHES people? :eek::eek:


Explaining sexuality is trivial.

I was standing on Blackfriars bridge in London today and my 5 year old asked why it was called that.

Me - “I think perhaps some monks used to live around here and they wore black robes”

Inquisitive Daughter - “hahah!..monkeys?”

M - “no, monks”

ID - “what are monks?”

M - “errr, they are religious people who live together in a monastery”

ID - “what does religious mean”

M - “errr, errr, they pray to that Jesus person they told you about at school”

ID - “why?..what does pray mean?”

M - “it means asking for special things from a god”

ID - “like presents?”

M - “no, not like presents. Well, a bit like presents…ah the bus!”

And to be honest I have no idea how I am going to continue that conversation in the future. All the while her little face was crinkled in confusion and I couldn’t think of a suitable analogy that didn’t cast religious people as completely hatstand.

How do you explain it without resorting to the standard religious tactic of saying “look, it is just true!”?

Compared to that, explaining homosexuality is a piece of piss.

“you know how mammy and daddy love each other and are boy and girl?”


“well sometimes boys love boys and girls love girls”

And though she hasn’t asked yet, I have no problems with that when she does.

You know who else was an Arianist. :smiley:

OP, you’re an edgy dude. Thanks for helping make the pit exceedingly lame.

Next up: pop music. Stupid teenyboppers swallowing whatever prefab superstars the corporations declare fashionable. Whatever happened to talent and creativity?

Tough Fucking Shit. Your job as a parent is to answer your kids questions.

NO PART OF THAT involves the entire rest of the world changing so that you don’t have to feel uncomfortable or at a loss of words.

In this you are no different from the conservative christians who want to hide/destroy/marginalize everything labeled bad by their religion so that they don’t have to explain why other people see nothing wrong with their religions sins.

Do you eat meat? If so there’s vegetarian families out there having to explain macabre scenes at the grocery store to their kids, thanks in part to your culinary patronage.

Yoko Ono.

. Tell her, as parent’s of old used to, to look it up. These days, tell 'em to use Wikipedia, instead of “the dictionary.”

I got a rock.