Merry Fucking Easter!

I was told you couldn’t get pregnant that way! Lies I say!

Sheesh. I better go take down that banner I put up that says “Hail Gods of Olympus!”

Yeah, I don’t buy that.

Imagine the frenzy that the average billboard drives him to.

“Crown royal is the best whisky, and chicks dig it.”
“Lies, lies!!! You’re wasting your lives you pathetically delusional fucks!”

Pointless trying to reason with people of a religious mindset. The whole point of religion is that it is faith not reason.

Living in the UK I don’t have to deal with too much religious imagery. me and the family are up in London for the holiday weekend and the fact that it is Easter has pretty much passed me by (other than the children decorating some chocolate eggs…but is that religious or pagan? I can never remember)

Mind you, it is interesting to note that whenever anyone points out the ridiculousness of someones religious belief it is considered bad form, if they held the same belief about Elvis or Michael Jackson they would be considered fair game.

Well, good ‘cause I ain’t fookin’ sellin’ it.

Do I think that all religions are a waste of time, sure. Do I think the world would be better without them, probably. Do I think that the arrogance of claiming your unexamined, ignorant beliefs are fact and posting said beliefs on public property is douchbaggery, yes. Yes I do.

As for Finn’s point, I don’t think that a billboard is able to claim being the best. You need to use weasel language like, “The choice of a new generation” or “Boozo Vodka, a cut above” or “Boozo, the vodka you deserve”.

Other than that, Finn is just being Finn. You mad, bro?

So…you’re saying it’s okay for the OP to oppose the signage, per se - but that you consider him an asshole based on the way he expressed that opposition? I’m asking, not to be argumentative, but only because I want to be sure that I understand you.

IME, people who have this kind of knee jerk reaction to religious declarations are more likely to be the ones who once believed it themselves - and now have become bitter and cynical because those early beliefs seem so hollow now. So now they use the same tactics to oppose the belief that they first learned in how to espouse the belief.

Maybe the OP is an asshole for how he expressed his opposition to the sign. I would say that he’s no more of an asshole than the person who hung the sign in the first place. In which case, tit for tat. You don’t get a pass for being an asshole, just because you’re being an asshole for Christ.

That’s nice, kitten. Here, let me make you some warm milk with honey and cinnamon. That feels better, right? Good!

Also, Jesus loves you. :smiley:

There’s mockery, and then there’s mockery. There’s the mocker that says “You believe something foolish, and I’m going to rub it in your face, so you don’t forget it!” Then there’s the mockery that says “We are prone to believe foolish things, and we shouldn’t ever forget it.”

Oh the horror! Your life is ruined, left mired in anger and hatred because other people believe something different than you. Those unconscionable bastards.


Try this: Get the fuck over yourself, stop being angry over what other people believe, and get on with your life.

Yes, that’s really nice. Thanks. I’ve been under a tight deadline with client work and, you know, just seeing that stuff made me…[sips milk]


Well, somebody has to.

I didn’t say that, did I?

I will try. Thank you for your insight.

I’d agree, right up to the point where someone else’s belief starts to impact on my life. What I can do and when, what I can eat, who I can sleep with and how…etc…etc…etc…

Bad enough if those beliefs are actually supportable. If they are based on superstition and myth then yes, actually it is quite correct to be angry.
You see it is very easy to say “get on with your life” but what if said beliefs are are a barrier to doing exactly that?

But just to reiterate in case anyone thinks otherwise. If those nonsense beliefs affect no-one but the believer then knock yourself out. I couldn’t care less, banners, billboards and all.

Yeah, I’m totally okay with being neutral to the beliefs of others - people believe what they believe and it is what it is and I don’t have a problem with that. Perhaps the OP feels that everyone would be better off if they shared his own belief - in that he is not unlike the people that he is attacking.

I do have a problem with people who, in the name of their particular religion, feel its okay for them to engage in illegal activities (however tame they may seem) to espouse their beliefs. There just seems to be a dichotomy there between what is being said and what is being done that I can’t wrap my mind around.

I just can’t help but believe that a sign reading ‘God is dead’, especially on Easter Sunday would not be removed post haste. But a Christian ‘Jesus is Risen’ sign - eh, whatever…we’ll get to it when we get to it…

I could be wrong. It’s just so seldom that that happens. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve found through bitter experience that when you’ve dug yourself a hole, it’s best to just walk away from it and let time fill it in for you.

Woo Hoo! Cheap chocolate, here I come!

Happy Easter, everybody!

Boy, I sure like exclamation points!

Because it can’t be linked to enough.

No no, darlin’, I understand. I’ve had almost no free time in weeks, and even now with the end in sight I’m still stressing mightily. Sometimes I even get a little cranky myself.

:stuck_out_tongue: (I live for that. Is schadenfreude un-Christian? I don’t expect so.)

How exactly are they a barrier?

All your life you’re going to run up against people whose ethics, morals, beliefs or way of doing things run counter to something you want to do. It is up to you to decide whether or not you’re going to allow that to be a barrier, or move on regardless of what they think.

Yes, when their beliefs affect how the law is made, then you have to live within in, or (and this is the important point) work to change it. Frothing rage and insults aren’t likely to accomplish that or get others on your side. Otherwise it still comes down to the choice of living within the illusions of the world* or not.

  • The world IS an illusion. Everything we do, every culture, morality, religion, way of doing thing is a Construct. Sure, people in the thick of it insist that THIS IS THE WAY THINGS ARE, but they are blind to the underlying fact that it is what it is only because we believe it is that way and participate in the illusion.

So go ahead, rage and scream, froth at the mouth because of ‘those damned Christians’ wrecking your world. You’re wasting your time and energy, and giving them too much ownership over your thoughts.

Rather than being the guy who lives his life in rage because they put a wall in your path, recognize that the wall is an illusion, and walk through it.