Message board censorship

Hi all, I just left a message board for good and am going to try this one out, if that’s okay. I was at, but those people tend to look down on people who don’t hang out with them at the bar. Truthfully, people on the board wanted to hang me after saying I didn’t agree with open relationships. What I’m getting to is that when I would respond to comments about myself they would be either deleted or edited to not hurt anyone’s feelings. Damn power hungry moderators! So do you guys see any thing wrong with that?

If so, give em’ a piece of your mind @

Couple of things.

One: We’re not going to start a board war, so we’re not going to go to another board and give them a piece of anyone’s mind.

Two: The legal owners of intellectual property such as message boards have wide latitude over how they conduct their affairs vis a vis the guests who visit the board.

Three: A quick review of your posts there indicates that you may want to spend some time lurking (i.e., reading but not posting) on this one before jumping in. You’ll definitely want to review the various FAQs linked to in our forum About This Message Boards.

Four: This isn’t really a Great Debate but I can’t figure out where to put it, so I’ll close the topic.
-manny, just visiting.