Mexico City earthquake

Hot on the heels on the Chiapas 'quake, Mexico City just got hit with a big one.

Note to self: do not be in Mexico City on 19 September.

M 7.1 - 5km ENE of Raboso, Mexico

Aye, Duckster:

Here’s some footage from some people on a boat in a river (NSFW language)[spoiler]- YouTube

Lots of videos of the aftermath being posted now. The big news sites (Fox, CNN, etc.) seem to be getting better at compiling stuff from the internet (thanks Daily Show!) so there’s some footage of the event as well.

Some of it is scary as hell like this huge building twisting and swaying!

Looks like the epicentre was near Puebla which I visited less than a year ago. It’s a beautiful city with really lovely people, I’m desperately hoping the damage is not too severe.

149 known dead now. No idea how many buildings were actually knocked over, but from nearly every article I’m seeing it was more than “a few” and fewer than “all of them”.

ETA: Puebla building Falling Compilation; lots of during and after footage in there.

Unfortunately, much, if not most, of Mexico City is landfill (the process was started by the Aztecs, it goes way, way back). Landfill + Earthquake = Bad results.

248 now. Still lots of digging and lifting to do; I’m afraid this ones going to go into 4 figures.

Dang. Pictures show lots of pancaked multi-slab buildings. That’s probably the least survivable kind of building collapse. The death toll is going to be breath-taking.

Also, I heard they haven’t had aftershocks. Aren’t those supposed to be inevitable and nearly immediate? I heard everyone down there is on edge because those haven’t arrived yet.

We are waiting to hear from family, ranging from uncles to cousins to quite extended (several dozens across multiple generations). It will take a while to hear from everyone I imagine. In the meantime, we wait and hope for the best.

that does seem odd :confused:

those poor people!

I am apparently unable to cut-and-paste from the New York Times, but I am definitely seeing reports of aftershocks. It would be very odd not to have them. Speculating here, but it’s possible that many of them aren’t being felt in Mexico City, given the distance they are from the epicenter.

They’ve revised the number of deceased at 223.

Lots of people rescued yesterday and overnight, tho; presumably still quite a lot who need rescuing.


Wow, the quake was so bad that it is trapping fictional people!

(BTW, doing a Google image search for “Frida Sofia” is somewhat interesting.)

Another one today.

Because many already-damaged buildings present had not been shored up or torn down yet (it’s only been 4 days since the last 'quake), more of them came down.

Housing is certainly going to be a problem and sanitation issues may soon arise as well. And on top of all that, by now I would imagine that some people are feeling some angst and trepidation about the fact that they can’t count on the freaking planet staying still beneath their feet.