MI GOP leaders meeting with Trump

What the GOP are learning now is that the Judiciary Branch needs to be politicized even more than it currently is. They need to cram in absolute and total partisans so that rulings from the bench will simply ignore the law and obey whatever the GOP says.

The Judiciary is currently saving democracy, and the GOP is angry at them.

I would give that more credence if GOP pols were doing more to change the vote. For example the SoS in Georgia was adamant that the vote was correct. As far as I know every other official has done likewise. I don’t see any major Republicans decrying the rulings the judges have made.

I am very disappointed the Republicans aren’t pushing back harder on Trump’s nonsense but I don’t see much evidence that the establishment is giving him much real support.

No, they’re not giving Trump support, and I am 99.99% confident that Biden will be sworn in January 20.

What they should be doing is saying “Shut the fuck up Donny”

I’m not so much worried about what Fuck-up Trump can accomplish. I am concerned about what the GOP Is learning from this, and how they plan to push the envelope even further in the future with removing norms, and getting in power without the difficult steps of getting the most votes.

Yup, look what damage they have managed to do with a complete and total moron.

We are in complete agreement here! :grin:

Let me reiterate, no one is panicking.

And if he does start to win these cases, that’s still not a time to panic. It is a time for thoughtful and reasoned discussion and action.

There is a huge wide swath of thought and action between vigilance and panic that you are excluding.

There is no scenario in which I panic. Panic is what happens when you are not prepared for the situation you find yourself in. If I ignored the news, and turned it on for the first time Jan 20th at noon to see Trump being sworn in for a second term, then I would panic. By paying attention, even if that scenario comes to pass, I will not.

However, I will not relax my vigilance until Biden is sworn in, and even then, only by a little but.

It’s a good thing nobody is panicking yet then, eh.

I disagree. People on this board are anxious that Republicans will support a coup and end America as we know it. That belief is unsupported and unhealthy.

Is “Panic!” the new “screaming” when it comes to opposing viewpoints?

With a very few exceptions, there’s been a deafening silence in the wake of Trump’s attempts to overturn the election.
There were even fewer when Trump started threatening to jail his political opponent way back in 2016.
The GOP would be very happy to end democracy as long as they’re the ones kneeling on necks.

No one is assuming anything.

I would just like to point out that the bergs these two nimrods come from have a population of about 4500 people…combined. The idea that they could be in a position to even contemplate shitcanning the votes of millions of Michiganders (myself included) is both absurd and obscene.

“Being anxious” ≠ “panicking”

This is a supposition unsupported by facts. I don’t see any major Republicans decrying the judicial decisions. If the GOP was happy to end democracy they’d be making more waves.

When this is (finally) all over I don’t expect to see the GOP attempting to change things to make it easier in the future.

But some are supporting him:

This is the Republican National Committee’s official twitter page claiming that the election was stolen from 73 million voters.

Fine. Change all my posts to use “anxious”. It’s still unhealthy.

You want to see panic, go look at Trump’s twitter feed.

It is full of screaming of a stolen election, of fraud, of how they are going to ultimately prevail and win. They are the ones in a full on panic.

This is just us making sure that we don’t get any of that on us.

Your concern is noted.

Sure. I’ve agreed that the GOP should push back and they aren’t. Have those tweets led to anything concrete? Have they criticised the judges? Called for the Georgia SoS to be fired?

The Republican establishment is trying to walk a fine line between supporting Trump’s madness and getting through this without losing the Trumpists.

You assume that they know that what they are doing. Republicans doesn’t necessarily want to end democracy; my hypothesis is that most Republicans still believe in democracy, but in the illiberal version of it, in which they can manipulate a democratic system for their own purposes. They want a democracy with votes, but they want it to be one that they control. People would still vote, but they’d have more input over who can vote and in its more extreme form, even who can run for office.